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"Can you pick those grapes?"


I like grocery shopping. It's fun to just pick small boxes and bags and whatever and see it fill a whole cart. As if they're little side dishes filling your stomach.

Letters filling words, words filling a story.

We didn't need a lot but somehow we got out of the store after an hour.

When I go shopping, I like to slowly walk around stores, looking at all the pretty clothes they have, or the good food. I always wonder: "Who will come here later and think this shirt is cool, take it and wear it a week later? The person who's taking these snacks, will they eat tonight thinking of their ex or are they meeting a friend? Or would they eat them alone?"

Those people that come here are the main character of their own lives, even though they might not feel like it.

They all have their own worries and thoughts, they have their friends, maybe they like that idol band I like too..

Just the thought that there's so many different people in the earth, all these people who I pass without thoughts but who have their life, makes me feel really weird. It makes me want to look at life in their eyes, learn from their mistakes and pain so I can live a better life.

I don't know them but maybe they'll become a celebrity soon and then I might regret not asking for their picture or sign.

I wonder all the time, do they feel the same way as me? Do they wonder what might be going in my head?

At the same time, it might be better to just walk past these people without wondering what they're thinking. If I knew who picked those grapes or that skirt, if I knew if that person is gonna be a celebrity later and if I knew what they were thinking, if I would know everything life would probably be boring and exhausting.

Maybe it's more fun to one day see someone on tv and think 'Wasn't she the girl that worked part-time at the cafe?"

And who cares who picked those grapes or that skirt, there's so many grapes and skirts.

"Sora can you put the cart away?"


I like to put the cart away because I always get to keep the money.

Mom and I got into the car and went back home, we were gonna make lunch but dad did instead.

"So, are you excited to go to school again Soyoung?" Dad asked

"I'm happy that I'll be going to a new school and I want to make friends but I really am not looking forward to homework."

"And what about you, Sora? Do you have any friends? Are your teachers okay? And your homework?"

"Myunghee and Momo came over like literally yesterday? But yes I have some friends already and I've done almost all of my homework and my teachers are okay. Are the people at your new job nice to you?"

"Yes, they're very kind people and I'm sure we will be good coworkers."

I looked at the clock, it was already 13:30. I chilled a little bit in the living room until it was time to go.

I didn't have to wait long until Minho came out of his house. He crossed the street. The playground was only a few minutes away in our street, on my side.

"How are you doing, Sora?"

Minho was wearing a simple pair of jeans and a hoodie.

"I'm doing okay, what about you?"

I thought of my own outfit. It's the same, only the colours of our hoodies are different.

His was blue, while mine black.

"The same, I guess. Let's go."

"Did you do anything last night?"

"Not really, why are you asking?"

He glanced at me.

"Just to start a conversation, not saying anything won't make us become friends."

"Well, then.. yesterday I was looking at cat adoption sites."

"Do you want to adopt a cat?"

"Yes, I've always thought they were fascinating but I could never have one because.. you know things.."

"I understand, if you need any advice you can ask me."

"There's actually something I was thinking about", he said while we arrived at the playground, "but let's sit down first."

Minho walked to a bench with a nice view on the playground.

There was a big swing, one of those round ones where you can sit in with many people. A swing for babies and the normal swing were present too. There was also a big slide, and a small merry-go-round.

We sat down.

"I was thinking, what's the difference between adopting an adult cat or a kitten? And what's the best option?" He looked at a toddler sitting on top of the slide, being too scared to get down.

"This is something you do need to think about."

I thought about how I could answer well for a while.

"Many people adopt kittens, because they're cute and they want to see them grow old. It's very cute, and you can teach them things you want them to learn more easily."

The child was scared and started crying.

"Things like wearing collars, if you don't teach them to wear one from a young age they will do everything in their power to get it off, and they do, they get it off. But for outdoor cats, collars can be lifesaving if they get lost or hurt and can't get back to their owners house."

"So it's best to get a kitten? In this village,  I can't imagine my cat not being an outdoor cat."

"Let me finish. Adult cats, they're adults and looking for a home for a reason. Some of them got abandoned when their owner went on vacation, when they died, couldn't care for them or didn't want them anymore."

The toddlers dad finally got up from another bench with a big sigh.

"Some of them are born in places like those adoption centers, and if nobody adopts them, they grow old, looking for a home. And when they grow old nobody wants them anymore because they're not as cute, and they will have them for only a short time. And sometimes, they won't get adopted solely because they have black fur."

The toddler finally stopped screaming.

"Adopting a kitten allows you to see them grow up, you can pick their name, teach them things and they're very cute. Adopting adult cats is difficult, you might only be able to give them a happy home for a few years and is it worth it?"

I thought about it again.

"In my opinion, it's the best to adopt a cat who's already an adult but still has many years to live. And if you see that there's a black cat like that and they like you, definitely adopt them. They might not find anybody else ready to adopt."

"I'll think about it."

For You- Lee Know x ocDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora