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We ended up being late for History but the others said they were trying to show me around the whole school and the teacher, a young woman in her twenties, just went with it.

We had to work with our seatmate and the people who sat in front of us to solve the questions. The two guys in front of Minho and me were called Taehyun and Jongho.

After History it was Geography which I suck at but we had to stay in the same classroom and the teacher is always 15 minutes late, apparently.

This time it was the same and at one point some people were chasing eachother with chairs, some were trying to wipe off the board by slamming a book on it, some were just screaming out of nowhere and someone threw a pencil out of the window on the head of a friend that was running outside for pe.

(based on real events)

I was one of the few that were calm.

Minho was laughing at someone else who was trying to beat box and I was a bit scared.

He looked at me and asked: "Hey, I'm sorry if it's a weird question, but where do you live?"

That is indeed a weird question.

"I saw you at the bus stop this morning, so you probably don't live far away from it, right?"

"That's right, I live two streets away from it."

"Me too. What street? Maybe we can go to school together sometime."

"Main Street,  27. The only house with the grey door."

"Really? The house on the other side of the road is where I live!"

"Omg what a coincidence.."

The teacher then arrived and started with his lesson. He didn't seem to like his job cause he stopped and let us out 10 minutes before lunch break was starting.

The cafeteria was nice, and everyone eventually sat down eating lasagna.

The whole class sat at one table, even though there was no space. Like no. Space. It was a table for 10 but we managed to have 15 people eating there.

The lasagna was good, but it was finished too quick. When everyone was done they decided to go outside.

There were a bunch of benches that we moved into a circle kind of shape.

"Let's introduce ourselves, Sora doesn't know most of you guys names. Maybe go around the circle." Myunghee said.

Next to me was my seatmate again. on my other side Myunghee.

"I'm Minho, you know me already."

"I'm Momo!"

"Jungkook, or Jk, whichever you prefer."


"Seungmin in the building!"

"Hello, I'm Yoshi"

"My name is Jennie."

"I'm Jieun."

"Hi, my name is Chuu!"


"I am Taehyun."

"My name is Vernon."

"I am Lia."

"I'm Yoon Sora. I came here because my parents felt like it. I have one older sister. I have a cat with the name Nini. Does anyone want to know something about me?"

"What's your social media and your phone number? We should put you in the group chat." Taehyun asked.

He's a smart guy, this Taehyun dude.

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