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Please don't procrastinate and start things on time because if you do you will end up like me

I wrote this the week before my year project for my Greek and Math class was due. I fit a year´s worth of research into one week while also attending online lessons and doing all my other assignments. It was May I think uhh anyway I got 6/10 but yeah I had to record my voice while it was hoarse from crying so much and I only had an hour left before the due date lol worst experience of my life.

It was finally Friday evening, I took a long bath, and dad was just done cooking dinner.

We ate dinner quietly and I went back upstairs to my room to clean up some stuff. Myunghee and Momo were coming over today and I don't want them to see my messy room. How did it even get so messy in just a week? It was quickly done though.

They arrived and we watched Mean Girls in my bed.

"Do you have a crush?" Myunghee asked when the main character started falling in love with the popular boy.

"No lmao, my life has been a mess until now and I haven't had any time or energy left to fall in love."

"Yeah, the fact that you had to go to that classroom the first week you've been here says a lot. Your past must've been bad, usually they let the students adapt for like a month."

"Well, I can't say they're wrong.. anyway I don't want to talk about it so.. do you have a crush?"


"I know who it is." Momo laughed.

I smiled: "Who is it?"

"I'm not telling you", Myunghee answered giggly.

"Why not?"

"What if you tell everybody?"

"Myunghee I have barely any friends here yet, who am I supposed to tell?" I laughed

"Okay okay. I'll only give a hint but if you find out who he is promise me you don't tell anybody."

"I promise," I laughed, "now say it."

"It's someone from our class."

"Ooooh.. and why do you like them?"

"I don't know, he's just so cute he makes me want to take care of him and I just want to hold his hand you know."

"You should ask him out."

"No, I want to get closer to him first, but, do you really not have a crush?" she looked at me

"No, why do you keep asking?" I laughed

"I'm not sure haha."

It was once again quiet for a while.

"Can I ask you something?" Momo looked at me.

"Yeah, why?"

"Oh just.. why did you and Minho have to go there in that office at the same time? They always told me they don't do that and I've never seen it happening."

I thought long before answering.

"You know things get said in that room that not everyone has to know, I don't need to tell what happens there. It's a bit like that right now, but later when I'm more comfortable around you maybe I'll tell you about it."

"You're right, we met just days ago, I was just a bit confused because it's very special."

We continued watching the movie and after we decided to bake the cake at 9pm, they left. Momo and Myunghee are really funny people and we laughed so much, I'm so glad to be their friend.

For You- Lee Know x ocWhere stories live. Discover now