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It was a gorgeous spring day.

It had rained heavily at night, washing away the fine dust in the air and leaving a fresh smell behind. The air quality was good now, here in Seoul.

Yet I wasn't outside, enjoying the sunny weather with my girlfriend or family or friends, unless you count the rays of sun fleeing through the window, falling on my neck.

No. Instead we were at court. Fucking court.

It had been a horrible few weeks to say the least. Today, 5 weeks since Sora and I got stabbed.

She was out of the hospital in 2 weeks, I in 3 weeks, but because she couldn't go to school yet, she had taken the 2 hour bus ride to the hospital every day until I could leave.

Together we had followed the livestreams our teachers did for us and played Minecraft when we had time. You know, between all the police visits and legal things that needed to be done.

We had also decided to go to therapy together as well as alone, and had gotten visits from our therapists multiple times a week.

While we were in the hospital, Sora's nightmares had gotten horrible, to the point where it would wake me up too.

I got panic attacks every few hours about what happened. It was not only terrifying, but also extremely exhausting.

And then there was the hospital in general. I knew it was good to be cared for but again, it's just exhausting to wake up in the middle of the night every time because they need to check my heartbeat or take some blood or something else.

I would even forget the tourists. Yes, tourists, who came to visit us. Nobody was legally allowed to see us but it stopped nobody from trying to enter our room. They were all stopped at the door by our own guards. Most of the time they only wanted to show us they cared about us and brought us food, money, stuffed animals, blankets and other gifts. Other people were a little more annoying.

After the first 3 weeks, I was then finally allowed to go home. Honestly, I don't know if it was that much better.

Me and Sora were home alone often and we hung out all the time, which was nice. Our relationship had taken a hit though. Not that we were tired of each other. I like her more and more every day, still.

It's just, everything, it is a lot to comprehend and process, especially for us. And sometimes it was annoying to be constantly reminded of it when I saw her.

All we wanted was to be normal people in a normal relationship with a normal life. And then we got stabbed and became international news, so trying to be all cute and romantic was hard.

Not to mention, we were both still very injured. I was in a wheelchair. My stab wounds were healing quite well but because of my broken collarbone, I could only use one crutch. Not that it was impossible, but it strained my other arm and was just hard. Most of the time I chose for the easier option in the scenario.

I also needed to get physical therapy for my thigh, to rebuild the muscles. It was mostly me being in pain and grunting through every exercise.

Anyway, back to the story, court.

Sora had been lucky that her mom was there, but I had to be the witness for my own case.

It was over, I did well. I had practiced weeks for this.

But he was here. The experience, I'd rate it a solid -1000000000/10.

He was here, but also my whole family, Sora and hers, national and international journalists, all here to hear what I had to say, to support me.

For You- Lee Know x ocWhere stories live. Discover now