Black imposter x reader Part2

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This will have two parts. Enjoy!

Y/N; Your name

Black waited for your response. You did love black, you wanted to be with him forever. He was so kind and wonderful to you but finding out he was imposter broke your heart. But his confession healed it. Your love for him couldn't bare to see your other friends die because of your choice.

"I .. I love you too Black.. "
You mumbled embarrassed but also in fear. Black on the Other hand was overjoyed he picked you up and swan you around for a bit till letting back down. It was very awkward instead of happiness because well.. there was a dead body of course. I though of a plan. I reported the body.

Black stared at you.
Everyone asked where the body was..
"The body was at electric. It isn't me and black cause we walked in to find the body.." you calmly said. Everyone started talking till no proof was found and no one was voted out.

You and black were safe from being voted out.. as everyone left. Pink stayed behind and black. Black wanted to talk to you but pink was there.
"Hey Y/N?" Pink shouted a bit to get your attention.
"Yea? What's up?" You responded, sweating a bit. If she suspended anything black could kill her right here right now.
"Wanna go get donuts? Black can come too! Wanna come black?" Pink cheered. Turned around to face black. He nodded.
"Sure pink.."
She went over to the venting machine to grab a donut. Black whispered to you
"You should be glad.. she's alive right now. And the others... I love you~"


You didn't know what to do.... you loved Black but he's imposter.. You couldn't risk anyone's life, you didn't care if you might did you knew you had to do the right thing so you did. You didn't respond instead you pushed him off you and ran to cafeteria. You could hear his voice down the hallway.

"Come on Y/N! Don't do this!"
You felt regret as you ran. You reached the button, you paused.. do you really want to do this? What if they don't believe you? No.. No.. think positive! They have to believe you!

You've been friends with them ever seen they got on this ships so they'll believe you! ... right? No matter.. you pressed the button and everyone was there.
"It was bla- "
"It's Y/N."
Black shouted right before you could speak.
"It was them. They killed white in front of me and reported it. It's a self report." Black continued
What!? They ain't gonna believe him right??

"What are you going on about!? It wasn't me it's you Black! You killed white as I walked into Electric!"
You shouted back in defense.
Everyone stared at you both back and forth. As you shouted at each other to prove the other wrong though people didn't know what to think.

Everyone including black and you shoot your heads towards pink who slammed her hands and screamed.
"It's voting time.."
Some people stared at you and the other half at black then everyone turned towards black. You could feel someone's eyes on you. Black.
Everyone voted.
Y/N was not imposter...
1 imposter remains..

"Damn it Y/N..."

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