Chapter 28:- Strike Team Beta

Start from the beginning

Before he could finish, Serena raised her hand. Getting into a fight with Calem was the last thing she wanted to do. The four of them: Ash, Gary, Dawn and she had met with several new faces when they went to attend the Academy set at Unova. One of them had been Calem. Serena didn't know whether it was professional jealousy or the need to be seen as the 'alpha' male, but whenever her gaze had landed on Ash and Calem, they were always fighting. Literally, every single time.

Calem's here, Serena thought, maybe Ash is too.

It was just her hyperactive imagination and wishful thinking, of course Ash wasn't going to show up.

Or is he?

"What was the intel?" Asked Serena as she stood up.

"There is supposed to be a third party involved," he said, "are you both sure you weren't followed?"

Before they could answer, a blast echoed in the air.

All of them sighed as they drew their weapons. "Well, of course now they come!" exasperated Dawn.

"Stay behind me," whispered Calem, "If you don't mind, I'd like to protect the pretty girl first." It was supposed to be a dig at Dawn who was scowling like a Braixen.

"The only pretty girl here is you Xavier," Serena took out her weapons, "here," she tossed the EM ball which contained the unown they'd extracted before Calem showed up and everything went to hell, "protect it. I mean it."

Of course in the heat of the battle Calem had lost the pokeball to the members of the Apocalypse. Serena cursed beneath her breath as all of them ran after the runaway thief's.

Serena's arm was still hurting profusely, but luckily the laser had severed the the ends of her arteries and veins so there wasn't much bleeding. It was less messier than a gunshot.

A part of her wondered whether her father was killed with the same weapon...

"They're re going in the factory!" Cried Dawn while ducking past the cross fire.

"I can see that," grunted Calem. "Lets split up, I'll take Serena and... blue go on yourself."

Serena shot Dawn a pleading look. Luckily, she understood it very well and dragged Calem along with her, leaving Serena to fend for herself.

The three of them shut up as they approaced the factory door, their arms spread ahead of them as they walked in. At this time, the factory was quite and dark. It was almost impossible to see but luckily in the fast few weeks, Serena knew the factory like the back of her hand. She was familiar with every instrument and every shadow.

That came in handy when she had to draw one out.

Serena could easily spot the discontinuity, she walked towards it as silent as a shadow and...

...three shots echoed in the air.

Serena turned back for a moment, that was her mistake. The shadow leaped out of its hiding shot and attacked Serena. A flying kick knocked the laser right of her hands, Serena stumbled backwards but before she could regain herself, a few punches came flying towards her.

"See you in hell," said the enemy as he pointed his gun towards her just as his finger was about to hit the trigger, Serena regained her strength.

Her gymnastics came in handy. Serena put her hands backwards and jumped forwards, her legs kicked his gun right out of his hands and fell backwards.

Before he could reach crawl towards his gun, Serena caught his legs, his kick hit her jaw but she held on to him.

"Here!" She screamed when she found an open window of opportunity.

His elbow hit her forehead and Serena fell backwards, her head hit the giant mixer and for a moment everything went black.

A respite was all she needed but all the money in the world was not enough to buy her that. By the time her eyes opened, the man was down on his knees, grabbing his gun.

A grunt escaped her lips as she leaned towards him, wresting to get control of the gun.

Where the hell are Dawn and Calem!

"Give it to me bitch!" He screamed.

Serena bit his hand. "That's for calling me a bitch!"

His knees found a way to her stomach, blood spurted out of her mouth and anger boiled in her veins. Out of anger, her knees found a way to his crotch. His grip on the gun loosened and Serena snatched it away from him.

She didn't hesitate for a moment to pull the trigger, by the time she was done, the thief from the apocalypse lay dead on the floor.

Footsteps echoed beyond her, with a grunt she turned back and found Dawn and Calem approach her.

"What happened?" Calem shrugged.

"You," she wiped the blood off her face with the sleeve of her black T-shirt.

"Well," Dawn showed her the EM ball with contained the unknown, "we have to get out... like right now."

She grabbed her hand and raced out of the factory.

"Why?" She asked.

"Calem shot the Boiler!"


Before she could finish, explosions raked behind them. They ducked down as parts of metal flew around them, even during the explosion Calem tried to get closer to Serena. Luckily she could easily stomp on his foot and use the ongoing situation as an excuse.

By the time they were out, the factory was still in one piece. Dawn pointed towards a tree shade where the workers usually took their lunch breaks, the three of them stood by its side and looked at the factory before it blew up like a balloon.

"Hey... is that..." Dawn pointed towards one... not two figures atop the terrace running towards them as destruction raked behind them.

"Oh no..." Serena breathed, "oh no no no no no no!"

All of her instincts had left her, for a moment she was as dumb and clueless as a Pokemon egg which usually bore only one intention, hatching.

Running towards Ash was her intention, but before she could make a move forward, Calem held her still by wrapping his arms around her waist.

"Leave me!" She hit his hands, "no no no!"

Her scream was overpowered by the gigantic explosion that destroyed the factory as a whole, the three of them flew backwards into the stone pavement.

You can't die, Serena kept telling herself, you can't die Ash, no while you still owe me a dance.

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