"Why not? You got out."

"They went into a quarantine protocol. Exit doors can only be opened from the inside or with the president's key. Meaning, we're stuck until Bellamy comes down here."



"Fox." Octavia and I whispered at the same time as we stared into the cart her dead body had just fallen into. The sound of running footsteps pulled us from the cart and towards the tunnel ahead as the lone steps came closer. With a shared nod, Octavia and I flanked the tunnel, weapons out and alert as we watched Clarke run into view. The blonde slowed down and eyed the two of us. Her eyes settling on Octavia whose back turned, the sudden cloud of tension hovered and I decided to take a step back with a sigh.

"Octavia, you stayed." Clarke's breath was shaky as she breathed in and out.

"Screw you." Someone get me some painkillers, my head was already hurting from this drama. "Of course I stayed. I know where my loyalties lie." Octavia was now staring straight at Clarke, my mind concentrating on each ones facial expressions to distract from the pain in my side. No doubt it had reopened a small bit and that's why it felt so warm, but I couldn't risk wrapping it up without anyone seeing. Though, they were still arguing so I might be able to.

"We have to get in there." Clarke completely ignored what she had just said, instead brushed past her.

"If that was possible, you think we'd still be out here?" Clarke looked form me to Octavia as I remained silent. I'm not one for cat fights unless it's against a panther. That was fun. "Why did Lexa sound the retreat." Clarke was silent so I stepped in.

"Cage made her a deal, he'd give her her people and she'd withdrawal her support. He took away her motivation, leaving only five percent of the army here. No doubt all of them but you two left back to the Ark camp." Clarke gave a nod and I knew that's exactly what happened.

"Now we are on our own." Clarke strode to the door and began to pound on it. Octavia reached her before I could and pulled her away.

"Stop! They'll know we are here." I kept walking to the door, a slow and steady pace as I breathed in and out distracting myself from the warm blood I could feel. The sprinting and hug really yanked the wound's fragile scabbing.

"What about Lincoln?" My eye shot to Clarke as I waited for Octavia to finish her question. "There's no way he would have gone along with a plan like this."

"He didn't. They took him." Lincoln loved Octavia too much, that was plain as day, at least the last time I saw them it was.

"What's wrong with you?" Octavia asked as she pulled Clarke's arms down to keep her from firing at the keypad.

"I am getting through that door!" Clarke's voice echoed through the tunnels and I took that as my cue to walk over to the wall and rewrap my bandage tighter.

"And that's your plan? Bellamy's counting on you." I wasn't watching them but I could hear the emotions in both of their voices. I kept my leather jacket on to hide what I was doing as I pulled the olive green shirt I had changed into up and just rewrapped over the older wrapping, but tighter. I wasn't done running around just yet. And I needed to not be worried about this when I did.

"Everyone's always counting on you!"

"What do you want from me?" Something definitely happened, Clarke was nearly begging.

"You trusted Lexa. You let a bomb drop on TonDC. You let all those people-" Clarke cut Octavia off.

"I am doing the best I can!" Her voice was raw emotion. I could tell she was doubting herself and felt guilty, but we still had a war to win.

"Well, it's not good enough."

"Enough." I turned throwing my backpack across my back. Eyeing both of the girls who turned to look at me. "You can have your cat fight later, right now, I'd like to find a way to get back into that cage. We have a war to win, and you two fighting isn't helping. So for the sake of our people locked in that mountain and me, shut up." I rubbed my temple as I finished. Almost as if on cue the door unlocked and began to open. My daggers in my hand faster than I could blink and I was already moving to the door when Bellamy's familiar body stepped through.

The two siblings shared a hug, and Bellamy's face held relief as he looked between Clarke and I. His eyes scanning me head to toe before turning to Clarke and letting Octavia go.

"Where's your army?" He asked looking behind her.

"Gone. Same as yours." I gave a small dark chuckle as I flipped one of my daggers and shot them a smirk.

"Anyone want to ask me where my army is? Or was it too obvious?" Bellamy gave me a small laugh as he shook his head while Clarke forced a smile, Jasper was giving Octavia a hug, and Monty was nodding to my question. My eyes drifted to Maya and I nearly stopped breathing.

I walked towards her and pulled her into a hug, the girl had clearly seen her father and had been crying.

"Your father was a good and brave man. You've done so much, and I regret asking any of it from you." I whispered into her ear as she squeezed me. Her quiet command made her start tearing up again as she made me promise.

A promise I wish wouldn't be made true.

Persphyni : I am DangerousWhere stories live. Discover now