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Before she could wish them luck mentally and say goodbye to Zanx. She was pulled down.
'For a demon king, you seem to be quite dumb. I still have my powers and we both know that the hounds don't like the light.' Arkell said, dripping with hound's saliva.
The four tensed, including Zanx.
'Zanx, tell me you got something on him.' Zanolis asked his twin through gritted teeth.
'I do, but he has the human. She's too weak, structurally. She'll go along with him if I take him out now.' Zanx said.
'So we got nothing?' Jexvi and Elsie asked in unison, without taking their eyes off Arkell.
'Not yet I don't.' Zanx replied, letting fireballs appear in his hands.
Finally exploding with anger, Amelia said, 'I can't believe I'm used as bait again! What the hell! Like literally, it's right there! You could have thrown him in there hours ago! And now I'm captured again, what fun!' Turning her anger towards Arkell she continued, 'and you! If you are such an almighty genie, the hell you doing with me! You got free so run dumbass! And me again, are you kidding- do you find this amusing in your little genie brain?!'
Arkell, surprised and confused by Amelia's outburst,left an opening for the demons. Taking the opportunity, Zanx and Zanolis got to them, with Jexvi half a step behind. Zanolis grabbed Amelia and tossed her to Jexvi. While Zanx disabled the genie, one swish and Arkell was stuck in a tiny jar, enforced with demon magic.
'So that's what you mean by crushing Amelia structurally.' Zanolis said while admiring his twin's creativity.
'Thank you. Took some time but the torture is limitless, and it's especially fun when they couldn't move no matter how hard they try.' Zanx replied. Glancing back at Amelia he continued, 'perhaps you should go help your friend. Maybe bring her along next time. She's funny and she likes my biscuits.' Ignoring Amelia's squeak of " you made those biscuits?!"
'Till next time then brother.' Zanolis replied.
Exchanging a nod , Zanx tighten his hold on the jar of Arkell and disappeared. Presumably back to the demon realm. Leaving Amelia staring at where they disappeared with many unanswered questions about how the biscuits were made and whether or not they were poisonous to eat, because she wasn't sure if she trusted the demon. Any demon for that matter, just look at the two she call friends.
'Well I'm not even gonna speak but look I am, Amelia said once she pushed down all her questions, 'this, all of this began ever since you two move into town and into school. I swear to heaven above and hell below chaos broke lose. And look where we are now, I should write a book, starting when you two,' pointing at Dom and Axel, 'came to town.'
'And you know what, I'm not gonna leave out your top secret demon whatever. It's not like the gods don't already know you're here. It's going all in, everything I know. So if them gods object, they can go sh*t themselves.' Amelia finished, glaring at the sky.
'You do realise it's mine and Dom's life on the line right? You too, even though a lot less. If humans do find out we exist and panic then do something stupid, like trying to kill us.' Axel questioned, not sure to snort at her ridiculous idea or actually be concerned.
Amelia snorted, 'Oh please there's so many demon stories anyways, no one would believe it, if they ask it's just another fictional supernatural story.'
'I mean... the lady has a point.' Dom said.
'Of course I have a point.' Amelia retorted getting a bit worked up, 'whatever I'm going to sleep and if someone disturbs me in less than in the name that my life is in danger yet again, I'll kill them, chop up their bodies and burn it. And when I wake up then we can decide what we want to do next while I write my book.'
Amelia went off to the room as soon as they signed into a hotel, slamming the door behind her.
Dom took it as his cue to leave, heading straight for the bathroom the boys were staying at.
Axel and Elsie stared at each other for a while, 'so... see you tomorrow?' Elsie asked.
'Yep bye.' And the two left for their respective rooms.
Axel smiled to himself as he entered the room and when Dom came out of the bathroom, Axel said, 'that was fun, fighting back to back like that again. Let's try it again someday.'
Dom sighed and replied, 'You need sleep. You've gone mad.'
Axel just grinned back in response.
So then everything was over or wasn't it?
Afterwards they cried a lot, especially Elsie.
When Amelia freaked out and told them there was a voice in her head. Elsie cried, proud for her friend, for she was given a chance to become a demon hunter. Demon hunters are humans selected by gods to keep both the magical community and non magical creatures safe from demons. They have some power. Increase agility, speed, accuracy and more. The best part? They age slower than humans, letting Amelia spend more time with her three immortal friends.
The boys were slightly offended but since demon hunter no longer mean they hunted demons who had slipped to earth. They supported her fully. The gods had also publicly announced the demons return.
Demon hunters now hunt magical creatures that went rogue or just bad, like Arkell. Like the magical community's police. Many magical species after learning demons existed, insisted on killing them all and few gave demons a chance, stating they were all evil creatures.
So Amelia worked hard to get rid of those who have prejudice against demons and soon she was the leader of the hunters. And her motto? "Nothing is born evil, it is nurtured out of hate and anger." And honestly? It made sense. Many demons after seeing her way of life let go of the resentment they had for humans and gods alike. But the world isn't perfect and there would always be ones that are there to destroy, so the hunters did their job.
The next time Elsie cried was when her magic was for sure lost. A couple hundred years had passed and should mean she get to make another wish. But her power was lost. She cried but quickly got over it.
Then she cried once more when she realised her power was back, it turns out her power was much like Ancient since genies are born out of pure Old Magic, albeit a small burst. Which meant each drop of genie blood is literally a infinite small amount of Old Magic. That means the blood of a genie would still call and answer to that genie, no matter if the blood separated with the genie itself. But when Arkell died and his magic returned to Old Magic, the little bit in Elsie didn't leave. Since it had another vessel. And while weaker it had a mind of its own.
And when her power forgave her, she got to wish again. Elsie named her power Lily. Lily was the weakest burst of magic compared to other genies, but that was fine. It worked well enough for Elsie.
Elsie didn't wish for anything drastic again beside that one wish where she gave herself and Amelia wings so they can fly alongwith the boys. The gods were slightly mad she did that, but since it harmed no one, they got away with it. Though they promise to only fly when no one is around but them four.
Sure there were more tears than that, coming from all four of them but there were also more laughter, much more cthan tears.

Hey everyone!! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! The story is ending obviously. See you soon!

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