Finally, Oxford

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I awoke around 7 a.m. the next day. When I awoke, I rushed into the bathroom and cleaned up and began changing my clothes in the bedroom. While changing, I heard a soft knock on the door but before I could respond, the door opened and there stood Harry in the doorway.

"Uuuuhhh...So sorry," Harry said.

I turned around and looked at him. I was wearing my jeans and my bra. I didn't quite put on my top yet. I didn't say anything but for some odd reason, Harry was still standing in the doorway, staring at me. I cleared my throat to break the silence.

"Oh...erm..right, just checking to see if you slept well but we'll talk when you' know...done changing," is what he said in reply and closed the door.

I put on a very simple pink top which said "PINK ROCKS" on the front. I then brushed (yeah that's right, I don't use a comb) my medium length, wavy brown hair. I tied it in a low ponytail to my right side and put my bangs behind my ears. I then put on my socks and then my black and white converse. I'm not a person who cares that much about jewellery, but I absolutely LOVE earrings. I took off the silver studs I was wearing and put on small gold hoop earrings which matched my black and gold watch. I applied light make up and DEFINITELY mascara (which I love very much). When I was done I looked in the mirror and smiled confidently. I took up my bags and neatened the bed and left the room.

Harry, Liam and Louis were sitting on the couch, Niall was digging in the fridge and I think Zayn was still in his room. When I walked out of my room, Harry noticed and came up to me.

"You look nice this morning," he complimented me.

I smiled and looked at the floor, blushing.

Zayn then walked out of his room. 

"Are you ready to go?" Harry asked nicely.

"Yeah, sure," I replied.

"Come on guys, Ally's ready to go," he said loud enough for everyone to hear.

All of them, being gentlemen, rushed up to me and took at least something from my hands to carry down to the car. We left the hotel and they put my stuff into a black limo, fancy. I sat on the end, Harry next to me, with Niall on his side while Louis, Liam and Zayn sat opposite us,

As we were on the road, I looked out the window and saw tons of screaming girls. I read one of the girls' signs which read "I <3 1D!" I then smiled and facepalmed myself.

"Wow, I'm SO stupid," I said.

"No, don't say that, you're not stupid," Niall backed me up with his lovely Irish accent.

They agreed with him but I laughed.

"No, I really am, it took me so long to realise that you guys are that new boyband...One Dimension is it?"

"One Direction!" Louis snapped back and we all laughed.

"Well it took you long enough, how come you didn't notice before?" asked Liam.

"Well I'm not really into modern day music, seriously I only listen to old rock music and stuff," I replied.

----- About 30 - 45 mins. Later ---------

The car stopped and I stepped out. The university was huge. I thought that the guys would just drop me off with my luggage and leave but instead, to my surprise, they stayed with me. They helped me unload my bags from the limo and we walked into the main room. There was a sign indicating that the adjoining room was the office and we stepped in, after knocking of course.

"Come in," a women said sternly.

She was probably the secretary or something.

"Um hi there, I'm Ally Scott, I was supposed to arrive here yesterday but I lost."

"Oh hold on let me check,"

She typed something on her computer then looked back at me.

"Yes, Ally Scott, here's your room key," she said and smiled as she handed me a key with 24B written on it.

She then handed me some kind of timetable and map of the large campus. She told me that everything I needed for my classes would be available in the classes. I told the lady thanks and came back out into the main room. 

I walked outside and followed the map. My room was in the third building, the second floor. As we walked through the campus, me in the lead, Harry next to me and the rest of the guys behind me, lots of people realised that they were One Direction.

Some guys stared with their mouths frozen while some girls fangirled, some immediately got out their phones and started tweeting and texting and some rushed up to them for pictures and autographs. After taking pictures and signing autographs for about ten minutes, they waved goodbye and continued following me.

When we got to the third building, we took an elevator to the second floor and looked for Room 24B. When we found it, I pushed in the key, turned the lock and entered the room with the boys right behind me. I flicked on the light switch and looked around. The room wasn't very big but not very small. 

It was painted in a lilac colour and there were two beds, both made up and covered in white sheets. The floor was carpeted with a pretty light cream colour and the adjoining bathroom was tiled with square white tiles. There were two desks in the room, one by the window and one nearer to the door. There were also two small white closets on each side of the room.

Inside the bathroom, there was a counter with a sink in the centre, a white toilet and a shower, no bathtub. It was really clean and there were clean white towels on the counter.

It was obvious that the room was meant for two people but the secretary lady didn't say anything about a room-mate, so I guess I was lucky, I had the entire room to myself.

After setting down my stuff, I closed the door and went to walk One Direction back to their limo. When they got to their limo and were getting in, I turned around to leave when someone pulled my hand back.

"Wait," I turned around to see Harry looking at me.

"Erm...maybe I know..we should probably exchange numbers, just in case you need any help or anything," Harry quickly added.

"Yeah sure," I replied.

We switched phones and I put in my cell number while he put in his in my phone. I then waved goodbye and the limo drove off.

Harry's P.O.V.

We were about to leave when I held onto Ally's arm. I really wanted to ask her out but I couldn't so I asked her for her cell number instead. I was so delightfully happy when she agreed. After waving goodbye to her and the limo drove off Niall noticed me smiling.

"Let me guess, you asked her out and she said yes?" Niall asked.

"Nope," I replied but was still smiling.

"Oh I know, you got her phone number!" Liam shouted out like we were playing some kind of game.

"Bingo!" I shouted back.

I was so going to call or text her to ask her out, yes I'll definitely do that, I thought to myself.


Ok hi guys I promise that I'll try my best to update at least twice a week

I think that this chapter was kinda boring but dont worry i promise that the following chapters are going to have much more excitement!

Please comment and dont forget to vote!

Thank u! :D

~ Aliyah

Lost...In England, But Found (A Harry Styles Fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant