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Ally's P.O.V.

Just when I thought that I was going to die, I heard someone shouting my name. I looked up and felt a bit safer.

Harry's P.O.V.

While walking through the streets of England, I bumped into the one and only James. He had been crying. I aksed him what was wrong and he started to apologize. What the heck happened? He wouldn't tell me anyhting at first, but after almost beating the crap out of him, he told me everything. James told me all about how he was working with Taylor. I then demanded to know where Ally was being kept and when he told me, I pushed him away and ran to the address.

When I arrived at the address that James gave me, I barged right in. Taylor was sitting inside with some guy who was injured. 

"Where's Ally?!"

"Oh hi Harry dear," Taylor replied.

"Just tell me what you did with Ally!"

"Well I would, but you're too late anyway, she's probab-"

I cut her off by slamming her against a wall. I was choking her. I looked her in the eye and spit on her.

"S-s-st-stop," she managed to stutter.

I released her and she dropped to the floor, holding her neck. She looked up and told me where Ally really was. Before she could get up though, police officers barged into the flat and immediately arrested the guy and Taylor. I ran out the door.

On reaching the address Taylor gave me, I began to cough as the scent of smoke reached my nostrils. I called the fire depatment and gave them the address. I then dropped my bag with my stuff that I had been carrying the entire time outside and ran into the old wooden house which was already engulfed by flames.

Ally's P.O.V.

"Ally! Ally where are you?!" I heard Harry shout.

"Here! Harry, I'm here!" I managed to shout back without coughing.

I then saw Harry's figure emerge from behind the flames. He was coughing and holding his nose but he was still coming. When he reached me, he began trying to untie my hands. After a while of trying,I was finally freed. I hugged Harry tighly and wanted to kiss him, but I knew that then, was not the right time. 

Harry and I held hands, trying to escape the burning building. It was like going through a maze, where one wrong turn could lead to death. It was really hard to get out, as the ceiling was falling apart and I was beginning to lose hope that we were going to make it out alive.

I turned to Harry. He was very worried. He was probably thinking the same thing I was thinking. I tried to force a smile but then heard Harry screaming, "Watch out!"

I looked up too late, as a huge chunk of wood, from te ceiling was right above my head. As I fell down with the wood on top of me, I heard Harry's voice and some sirens in the distance.

My eyes found it difficult to stay open and the last thing I remembered seeing was Harry by my side.

"I love you, Ally," Harry said.

"I love you too, Harry," I whispered before shutting my eyes one last time.


I opened my eyes and saw flashing lights every where. I was strapped down to a gurney and eight faces were looking down at me. Dani, Helen, Katie and Pierce were on my left, while Perrie, Eleanor, Giselle and Danielle were on the right. Everything was blurry and my eyes were trying to stay open. I could hear voices, but I couldn't make out what they were saying. 

I bent my head, looking through the small space in between Dani and Helen. I saw the guys surrounding Harry. He was sitting on the edge of the ambulance with bandages all over. My lips slighly curved upwards. I was happy to know that we had survived.

-------------------A WEEK AND A HALF LATER---------------------

"And I find the defendant, guilty," the judge said before knocking his gavel onto the wood.

Harry and I let out sighs of relief.

"Case dismissed," the judge announced and got up to leave.

People from the jury were leaving too as Harry and I shook hands with the lawyer. We kept straight faces as the prison guards took Taylor Swift away, her hands being held tightly by the officers. She tried to escape their grips but they were too strong. Before leaving though, I went up to her.

"I told you that you'd go to jail," I smirked while folding my arms.

She looked at me with anger and hatrid in her eyes.

"Oh just you wait, I will be back for my revenge," she said like a sly fox before exiting with the guards.

I was worried by her last comment. I knew that she was sentenced to prison for 25 years, I think, but Taylor was almost capable of anything. What if she really did come back for revenge? I wiped the thoughts out of my head as I went over a hugged Harry. Finally, all this Taylor shit was over. 


I'm sorry this chapter is a bit short and not really interesting but I have A LOT planned and since I'm gonna be home for the next 4 days (Carnival Weekend) I should be able to write the next 2 chapters, maybe. That's if I don't go out but I doubt I will.




and definitely KEEP READING! 








if u dont know what any of those things mean, do ur research! :)


dis one goin an fog up d place :)

~ Aliyah

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