Creepy Cab Driver Leaves Me Stranded

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I was wide awake as the plane landed in England. As soon as the passengers were allowed to get off the plane I grabbed my hand luggage and quickly exited the plane. When I got my other suitcases, I immediately joined the line to get checked out or something, I think. This was my first time visiting England and also my first time travelling alone, so I was really nervous.

When I stepped out of the airport, a cool autumn breeze blew my hair and it felt quite good actually, until it blew my hair into my face causing me to drop one of my bags to remove the hair. And when I bent down to pick it up, a vehicle passed, and I didn't notice that i was standing in front of a puddle, and splashed muddy water on me. It was pretty uncomfortable but I still had a positive mind.

I walked out into the streets of England. It was a very pretty sight, well at least to me. Where I came from, most of the streets were filled with garbage at the sides and there were lots of old buildings that needed repainting and other repairs but no one cared. But here, everything was different, it was so unbelievable to me, it was like a dream.

I stood at the side of the street and got a taxi's attention. When I got in, with all my luggage, the guy immediately sped off. I stared out the window at all the buildings, houses, trees and people that we passed. I had only been in England for such a short time but I already loved the place. I was in the cab, when my phone made a noise. I took it out of my purse and saw that my best friend Dani had texted me.

"Hey u in England yet :) xx" the text read.

"Yup I'm in a cab heading to Oxford. Miss u so much! :) xxx" I replied.

"Miss u too, Ally. Wish I was there too, TTYL xxx" she texted back.

That's when I realised that I never told the cab driver where I was going. A look of terror came across my face.

"Excuse me Sir, how do you know where to take me?" I tried to say as nicely as possible.

"Oh believe me, I know, " he told me in a creepy voice then turned back and smiled, almost evil-like.

I was officially scared now. The car sped up and I wanted to go back home so badly. I kept telling the man to let me out and kept offering him money. When suddenly, the car came to an abrupt stop. He turned around and stuck out his hand. I assumed he wanted the money so I got out my purse and handed him fifty pounds and he let me get out with my luggage.

When I got out the car sped off in the other direction. I was happy I got out of that freak's car but now I was lost, in England. I looked around to see if there was anyone that I could ask for help but there was no one in sight. I began walking. Where to, I didn't know. 

Lost...In England, But Found (A Harry Styles Fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang