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Hello, i have aways wanted to write a fanfic and this is my first try so when i publish it plz comment and tell the truth oh and also please vote! :D

~ Aliyah


The day I met Harry Styles was THE best day of my life. Well it actually wasn't until I met Harry. It was actually a pretty bad day for me but it was totally brightened from the moment Harry and I looked into eachother's eyes. I can remember it like if it was just yesterday. It all started when.........................

"Are you sure you have everything you need, honey?" my mom asked me for the millionth time.

"Yeah, sure mom," I replied.

"You know that we're really gonna miss you, Ally."

"Yes I know mom and I'll miss you guys too but this has been my dream for years now plus I promise that I"ll visit for Christmas and stuff, so there's no need to worry."

That was my mom's and my conversation just before I left for college. I had applied and was accepted at Oxford University in England. I had always dreamed of attending university or college as others say, since i was very little. At frst I wanted to be a doctor and thought of studying medicine but then my grandma died (at a hosptal) and that changed my whole thought of ever working with hospitals and blood. Then, there was a time when I wanted to be as smart as Einstein and study Mathematics and Science but then I realised, I ain't Einstein. I also considered becoming a lawyer but I watched WAY too much Judge Judy and stuff and started to dislike courtrooms. So I decided to one day become an astronaut but only one problem, I have a MAJOR fear of heights. I then wanted to go into music and when I sang at my first audition for a play, I knew then that singing was definitely NOT meant for me.

So after all these jobs and reasons why I'm not doing them you're probably wondering, what the heck ARE you studying? Well that's simple, I'm doing art. I planned to someday be a famous artist like Leonardo Da Vinci (and for those of you who don't know who he is, GOOGLE it!) Plus Art is not something that I'm terrified of, like going into a rocket, or seeing people bleed. Art is freedom, it is where I can express my feelings but not into words, but pictures. Also Art had always been a hobby of mine since I was little and used to paint all the characters from Sesame Street (yes I did that).

So as I waved goodbye to my mom, dad and lil' sis, I remembered all the good times we had together and stopped ran back, with tears in y eyes, togive each one of them a big hug.

"I didn't realise it before, but I'm really gonna miss you guys!" I said to them while hugging my dad.

"Don't worry, everything will be alright, you're going off to university, your sister is gonna graduate soon from high school and......you both are just growing up SO fast!" my dad replied hugging me tighter.

I hugged my om and sister one last time and this time when I left, I didn't come running back, but I couldn't hold back my tears. I still kept looking back though and I didn't stop waving until they were out of sight. Then it was just me, all alone, on a plane, off to England, to start university, a WHOLE new chapter for me. As the plane took off, I soon fell asleep and later awoke to the flight attendant saying something.

Lost...In England, But Found (A Harry Styles Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now