Escape Plan

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Ally's P.O.V.

I awoke the next day and tried to break free. It was useless. I was trapped. I wanted to go back home and snuggle in my bed while texting Dani. I didn't want to be in England anymore.

After what felt like an hour and a half. I think that I had a plan. This one was better than the other one. This one just might work. I didn't really like it though but if it worked, I could escape.

The tall helper guy walked in and brought me some kind of food. Well, I think it was food. 

"Eat!" he said as he untied my hands.

I just looked at him, then the food. I was a little hungry, but not hungry enough to eat whatever that was.

"Fine then, have it your way," he said when he realised that I wasn't going to eat.

"Wait!" I shouted as he started to tie back my hands.

"What?" he asked.

"Erm, can I have a shower?" I asked hopefully.


"I said Can I have a shower, I can't go long without cleaning myself," I replied a bit louder and with more comfidence.


He agreed. I was happy. My plan was officially in progress. I tried to hide my happiness though.

He untied me and led me out of the room I was in. We passed through a kitchen, a small living room and then he entered a bedroom and I followed. There was an adjoining door inside which led to a bathroom. My suitcases were inside with all my stuff in it. Before I closed the door, the guy shouted something after me.

"Don't try anything," he warned, "I'll be waiting right here."

I shut the door and locked it. In the bathroom there were a shower, a toilet and a sink with a mirror. Surprisingly, it was pretty clean in there. I stripped and went into the shower. I turned on the water and let it flow onto my skin. I didn't wash my hair though. That would take too long.

After my short shower, I took off the water and came out. I forgot to take out my towel before I went to bathe so I had to open my suitcase and look for it after I got out. I began to feel cold but the feeling immediately went when I found it and wrapped it around my wet body.

I began looking through my clothes to find something to wear. But not just anything. I finally decided what to wear and put it on. I then found my make up and over did it on purpose. I looked in the mirror and smiled with satisfaction. I looked like a slut. This was my plan. I was going to seduce him.

Before I stepped out, I fixed my hair a bit by brushing it. I was wearing a black lace bra and a black tight fitting shirt on top. I left the first few buttons unbuttoned so that the neckline was pretty low. I wore that with a short black pants that was also very tight on my ass. I would usually wear that under a skirt or something but now I was wearing it just as it is. I took out a very small bladed weapon that I kept in my suitcase that no one knew about and hid it in my pants.

I opened the bathroom door and stepped out slowly. I shut the door behind me. The guy was sitting on the bed and I saw when his lips slightly parted when he saw me. I walked up to him and leaned in his face so that our noses were touching.

"Hey there, big boy, you wanna let me go?" I said not with my regular voice but with a kind of sexy voice.

He looked at me, his mouth still open and as if he was snapping out of a daze.

"Yeah, but I can't," he replied taking my hand and pulling me out of the room.

I released myself from his grip and blocked the doorway with my body. He stopped in his tracks. I approached him and he stepped back. I came even closer to him and he stepped back again. This went on until he stopped as the bed was behind him. I went up really close to him adn placed my finger on his chest and pushed him onto the bed.

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