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As I walked through the lonely streets, I decided to try and call someone for help. I took out my phone and tried to call but apparently, wherever I was, there was no service. I wondered how my situation could get any worse.

Since I already had my phone out, I decided to listen to music to try and cheer myself up. I was the kind of girl, who listened to music from the 60's, 70's and 80's. It's weird for a teenager to not know about all those modern day singers like Justin Beeb, Salene Gomes, Bruce Mars and all those new bands and stuff but I didn't care. I loved old rock. I knew about Michael Jackson, Bryan Adams, Guns N' Roses, Jon Bon Jovi and Journey and stuff.

Just my luck, after listening to two songs my phone beeped and when I looked at the screen it said LOW BATTERY! Now I was losing my mind. I couldn't take it anymore. I started to cry as I was walking when I spotted a huge building with people. It looked like a mall.

I started to walk faster but tears continued streaming down my face. The mall just looked close but it was quite a distance away. As I arrived, I stepped inside and it was noisy. It was also warm, but very noisy. I looked around and saw a large crowd of girls screaming and shouting but I couldn't make out what they were saying. I think they were trying to get noticed by a popular band or singer. But that was the last thing I wanted to do. I headed the other direction.

While walking, I kept my head down. I didn't want people to notice that I was crying. I was walking around looking for one of those tourist shops to ask someone for directions when I bumped into someone and my purse fell to the ground. As I bent down to pick it up, my hands touched the hands of the stranger I bumped into. I looked up at him.

I noticed that he was VERY hot. He had the cutest green eyes and such curly brown hair.

"I'm sorry, by the way I'm Harry..........


I didn't leave an author's note at the end of my last chapter cuz i forgot. 

Well...um....oh yeah! I wanted to say that just cuz i spelt Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez and Bruno Mars wrong it doesn't mean that I don't know who they are. Its just that Ally doesnt so i had to make it seem like if she didnt know

plus i really AM into old rock but not all just some 

and sorry my chapters r so short its just thats how i write

thanks for reading and plz vote and leave comments

thank u! :D

~ Aliyah xxx

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