Guys Are Idiots

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Ally's P.O.V.

Well this week was boring. Nothing much happened. I had class everyday and I had to sit and listen to Pierce, Helen and Katie go on and on about One Direction. I realy just wanted to curl up in a ball and call my friend Dani and talk for hours and hours but I didn't have my phone and I couldn't use Pierce's phone for hours.

After one boring week. Harry called Pierce and asked to speak with me. He wanted to take me out to one of the most popular clubs. I accepted since it was Friday night and I had the most boring week. He told me what time he would pick me up and I got ready. I told Pierce where I was going and she was fine with my decision. She told me to party hard.

--------AT THE CLUB-------

I wasn't wearing anything slutty but my dress was a bit short. Harry and I were sitting at the bar. He wasn't that drunk and surprisingly I was way more drunk than he was. I left to go to the bathroom and when I came back, he and some lady were making out. She was very ugly and I'm not just saying that because she was with Harry.

"What are you doing?" I shouted at them.

Harry pushed her away.

"Ally it's not what it looks like! I didn't kiss her, she kissed me!"

"Oh right and I'm supposed to believe that?"

"Ally please! Give me a second chance! I love you!"

"No Harry. I'm done with second chances. I gave James a second chance and he just broke my heart even more!"

"But I'm different, I'm not James!"

He was too late. I had already left and was somewhere in the back of the club crying when someone put their arms around my waist from behind. I assumed it was Harry.

"Go away! You just want to do what James did to me before. I thought you were different Harry, I really did."

"Don't worry everything's gonna be alright," that was not Harry but I'd recognise that voice anywhere.

"You are the last person I want to see right now!" I turned around and pushed James away.

"I know I know. But I want to apologise. I know you hate me but I wanted to say that I'm really sorry."

I didn't want to do it but this is why I gave James a second chance. I couldn't look into his big brown puppy eyes and resist. I went up to James and kissed him. He lifted me from my legs and carried me somewhere. As I said before I didn't want to but he was just so irresistable.

I can't remember much of what happened next but I remember having someone kissing my neck and I didn't have any clothes on. I then felt someone's "dick" up my private. Whoever this was, he was doing it hard. I still remember how much pain it was the first time but after doing it a few times, it felt really good and I found it addicting.

"Ha...Har...Harry," I muttered.

Whoever it was with me, stopped kissing me. I opened my eyes.

"Did you just say Harry? I thought you loved me and not that son of a bitch!" James said.

"James? I'm sorry. I was drunk and if you thought that you won me back, you were wrong."

"Oh so that's your excuse now!"

I was about to say something to defend myself when I heard a phone beep. It was my phone! I opened the drawer for the bedside table and pulled out my phone. I got up and began putting back on my clothes.

"Wait babe!"

"What do you have to say to me?" I screamed at him.

"It's not what you think! I...I...uh found it after you dropped it! Right after that Harry boy kicked my ass!" 

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