Meeting One Direction

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"Oh no it's okay, and I'm Ally, Ally Scott," I replied.

"Styles, Harry Styles," he said staring at me like if he was waiting for some kind of reaction.

I picked up my purse and was about to walk away.

"Wait!" Harry called after me.

I turned around.

"Why have you been crying?"

"Oh, you noticed," I said with absolutely no expression.

Since I didn't really think I had anything to lose, I decided to tell him.

Harry's P.O.V.

I was just walking out of the bathroom when I bumped into this girl and her purse fell. We both reached to pick it up and our hands touched. The first thing I noticed when she looked up at me was how pretty she was and that she had been crying.

"I'm sorry, by the way 'm Harry," I said to her.

"Oh no its ok, I'm Ally, Ally Scott," she replied. 

"Styles, Harry Styles," I said, expecting her to scream or freak out, but she didn't.

She just picked up her purse and began to walk away. I didn't want her to go.

"Wait!" I called after her.

"Why have you been crying?" I asked when she turned around.

Ally's P.O.V.

We sat down on one of the benches and I began my story. I told him about how I was accepted in Oxford and that I was going there to study art and become a famous artist someday. I then told him about the creepy cab driver and then how I got here. While I was talking, I expected him to get bored or rudely interrupt me but he didn't. Actually, he was listening so attentively.

After telling him my story I got up to leave.

"Wait!" he called again.

"Yes?" I looked at him.

"I know you're lost and maybe I could help you," he said with a look of hope in his eyes.


"Well I know where Oxford is so I could take you there if you'd like"


"But it's kind of far from here and it's getting kind of late and since you have no place to stay, maybe you could stay with me....just for one night"

"Ok I guess"

Oh what the heck! I didn't think that anyhting was wrong. Harry seemed pretty nice and I doubt that he would lie to me.

Harry took some of my luggage and led me to his car. After putting my stuff in the back, I came and sat up front with him. Before he started the car, he took out his phone.

"Watcha doin'?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Oh I'm just texting my friends telling them that I'm heading back to the hotel where we're staying"

"Oh ok"

About fifteen minutes passed and Harry parked his car in a parking lot at a hotel. He then took out my luggage and helped me carry it inside. Once inside, we entered the elevator and he pressed the  button for the top floor. While in the elevator, I felt his eyes looking at me but I didn't react. 

When the elevator stopped, he led me to his room. When he opened the door and I stepped in, I couldn't believe my eyes. That was definitely the largest hotel room that I had ever seen in my life. To my left there was a small kitchen and on the right was the couch area where there was a huge flat screen T.V. There were also five bedrooms and each one had a bathroom. It was quite obvious that he wasn't staying there alone so I asked him who he was staying with and he told me with the friends that he texted.

He led me into one of the bedrooms and placed my luggage in there.

"This is my room but you can have it for the night, I'll take the couch." he told me.

"Thank you so much" I simply replied.

When he exited the room, I went into the bathroom and immediately freshened up. The clothes that I was wearing with the dirty puddle water was getting really uncomfortable. After I cleaned up and changed into my most decent PJs, I brushed my teeth and went into the living room and found Harry.

I sat down next to him. He was watching T.V. but when I sat down he turned to me and smiled.

"So why art?" he simply asked.

I then told him about my grandma's death, my fear of heights and the rest. While explaining, the door opened and four other guys walked in. Harry then stood up and introduced me.

"This is Ally," Harry told them.

I stood up next to Harry and they looked at me and smiled as if they were also expecting some kind of reaction. Harry the broke the silence.

"She doesn't know," he said almost laughing.

They then introduced themselves.

"Hello, I'm Liam, nice to meet you," one of them said then the rest continued.

"Hey, I'm Zayn"

"I'm Louis"

"And I'm Niall," the blonde one said plus he had the cutest Irish accent.

Then we all sat down on the couch and Harry and I explained what happened. They too listened attentively and it actually seemed like they cared.

After explaining, I looked at my watch and it was pretty late. We exchanged our Good Nights and went to our separate rooms. Even though I fell asleep as soon as I closed my eyes, I couldn't stop thinking about the guys. They seemed so oddly familiar but I just couldn't figure out where I knew them from. Plus Harry knew that I didn't know, but I didn't know what I didn't know. I slept on that all night.


Ok while writing this chapter, the most weirdest and craziest ideas came to me for the later chapters then i realised that this is a fanfic, so ANYTHING could happen if I want it to.

Please vote and comment, also u could comment and leave some crazy ideas that u want to happen and i might choose one and use it.

Thank you :D

~ Aliyah

Lost...In England, But Found (A Harry Styles Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now