Giselle And Niall

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  • Dedicated to Gissel Mookram, I hope u like it Giz! :D

Ok this chapter is gonna be about Giselle and Niall getting together.

Hope u like it! :D


Giselle's P.O.V.

OMG! I was freaking out. It was Saturday evening and Niall just called me. He asked me on a date! Ever since I first met the boys, I have had a huge crush on Niall. To me he's the sweetest and I literally melt every time I hear him talk. I love his Irish accent.

So I took a quick shower. When I got out, I dried my hair and started putting on my clothes. I wore a knee length, pretty pink dress that looked really good with my complexion. I left my hair loose and I curled it. I put on some make up, but not too much and wore black heels, that were not high at all.

As soon as I came outside, I saw Niall's car and he was waiting inside it. I got in.

"You look amazing!" he said.

"Aw shucks, thank you!" I gushed while blushing.

He drove off and when the car stopped, I was not surprised at where we were. Nando's! I didn't care though, as long as I was with Niall. He was such a gentleman, he opened the door for me and I entered.

Once inside, a nice lady came and took our orders, We ordered the same thing. After eating, he took me back to his place. At his hotel room. The other boys weren't there though. He asked if I would like to watch a movie with him and I gladly accepted. What I didn't know, is that he was planning on watching a horror.

Half-way through the movie, Niall and I were sitting on the couch so close to eachother and I was trembling with fear. We were both sharing a blanket. All of a sudden, blood splashed everywhere in the movie and I screamed. Niall hugged me and I burried my head into his chest. His arm was stroking my back.

"Don't worry, it's just a movie," he whispered.

I looked up into his sparkling blue eyes and he was leaning down. OMG! Niall Horan was about to kiss me! His lips crashed onto mine and it felt like kissing an angel. His lips were so soft. I didn't want to stop but I pulled away. He was smiling at me, and I smiled back. I was so happy!

Niall's P.O.V.

After an amazing dinner at Nando's, I took Giselle back to our hotel. All the guys were out so it was perfect for us to be alone. I asked her if she wanted to watch a movie and she agreed. Of course I put in a horror so that when she got scared I would comfort her and my plan worked.

When she got scared, I pulled her closer to me, and hugged her. 

"Don't worry, it's just a movie," I told her.

When she looked up, I couldn't resist it, I leaned in and planted a kiss on her beautiful lips. Giselle really enjoyed it too because she kissed back, which made me happy. After our short kiss, I looked into her lovely eyes and smiled and she smiled back. She was so adorable when she was scared/ happy. 

After the movie, I drove her home and before she left, she gave me a kiss on the cheek. I was definitely going to ask her out again.

When I arrived back to the hotel room, all the boys were there waiting for me and Harry was happy. Ally must have forgiven him. They asked me where I was and I told them everything. All of them congratulated me on finally making a move and then we went to bed as it was very late.


Ok this chapter is for my friend Gissel!

Hope u like it!

Keep reading, vote and comment!

Thank You! :D

~ Aliyah

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