Introductory Chapter:New beginnings

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<June 1st>
School has ended."Finally!"the students shout all over the place.Well, how can you blame them. It was a pretty hard year anyways. Especially for the third years.

But it doesn't really matter anymore. Summer is here and everyone is ready to hop into the sea or their soft, warm sheets. It depends really.

Y/N was one of these people. It's not that she didn't like the beach. But she couldn't really stand the heat and the nearest beach to her was almost 40 km away.

Her second year of high school was pretty hard on her. All she could think about was that there was one more year and she would be outta here. It's not that she didn't like her hometown. It was actually pretty picturesque and nice. But the people didn't really do it for her.

Nothing interesting happened this year in her life. Same old things.And love life? Pfft. What was that? She didn't really think she'd find anyone at this point either.

Oh how wrong she was...

Author's note

Hey! So this is my very first fanfiction! Excuse me for any grammatical or other mistakes😅. I'm going to upload chapter 1 immediately after this introductory one.I hope you like it❣

Byeee for noww!

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