49 | king and kings

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It was a garden wedding

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It was a garden wedding. The smell of white roses filled the air while the setting sun gave a magical orange glow to the venue. There was an archway made of tiny golden twigs. And on her feet, the red carpet was adorned with white rose petals.

From where she stood, she could see Franco waiting for her. His white suit and golden hair made him look like an angel without wings.

Callista fought the urge to retch as the band played the wedding march. She took a deep breath and step forward.

Then one more. And another.

Her fingers shook as she held out a hand to his groom.

Franco gripped her palm tight. They faced the priest as their guests took a seat. She could see Franco's parents to her left. The bodyguard was nowhere to be found but the old man kept gazing at the couple with interest. Callista felt wary.

"If anyone is not in favor of this wedding, speak now or forever hold your peace..."

Callista wanted to raise her hand. She regretted ever suggesting arranged marriage. It didn't feel good no matter how handsome Franco was.

Or the fact that this was a temporary arrangement.

Unbeknownst to her struggle, the priest continued.

They went through the ceremony with a tense atmosphere. Caly held Franco's hand even as he tried to wiggle out of her hold. She would've run away if it wasn't for him.

Franco clenched his jaw as he lowered his head to murmur on her ear. "Caly, this is enough."

"What?" she whispered back.

"Father won't do anything. He's sitting there like a good puppy."

"You don't know that. We'll wait some more."

"We'll be married in a minute."

"Not until we sign the papers!"

The priest cleared his throat. "Excuse me. May I continue?"

Caly nodded with a wince.

"Do you, Callista Ariella Genovese, take this man as your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse—"



Franco shook his head. "If we do this, I'll forever be known as your first husband... and I can't do that to my brother."


"I can't take anything from him ever again."

Callista tried to grab his jacket as he turned to his father, the gun glinted on his hand. Her heart pounded in fear. "Franco, no!"


The older Castellano stood up, pointing a gun at his son. His wife gasped beside him as some of the guests screamed and scrambled to leave.

"You won't shoot me," Francisco declared without hesitation.

"You don't know that," Franco replied, breathing hard through his nose.

Francisco changed his target and pointed at the bride.

Caly gasped as two shots went off.

"What the...?" Francisco cried out and staggered backward as blood oozed from his shoulder. His eyes whirled, eyeing the rooftop of some faraway house. "Did you betray me? Benjamin!"

"That was Scarface?" Someone spoke from the archway. He walked languidly, a shotgun resting on his shoulder. "I kinda broke his legs so do you mind if he can't walk for a while?"

Callista wanted to run towards him and kissed him with his brilliant timing.

"You—" Francisco clenched his bloodied shoulder. "Luciano! What did you do?"

Castor was clad in black. "I left him to my shooter. Is that okay?"

Francisco pulled out another gun as Castor moved into a shooting stance.

Castor fired first, hitting the older man on the chest.

"Cas!" Caly yelled with a distinct warning.

"Don't worry. He's wearing bulletproof clothing." Castor finally looked at the bride, smiling at her worried expression. "Are you married?"

She wanted to cry. "Almost, you idiot!"

He chuckled. "Love you too."


This was supposed to be part of the previous chapter but I wanted to make you all worry haha

scene entrance inspired by Vermouth vs Jodie in seaport (episode 345)

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