27 | real and realism

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Tori was happily eating various kinds of sushi as Callista eyed her

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Tori was happily eating various kinds of sushi as Callista eyed her. Her own plate was empty despite the appetizing smell of a Japanese buffet all over the function hall. Caly and Tori had attended their high school reunion.

Callista had wanted to refuse but she had been the student council president of their time and Principal Lee had been close to begging. She placed a hand on her cheek, silver eyes surveying different groups of students before her gaze stopped on Castor Luciano. He was surrounded by boys and girls alike.

Even with the Lucianos' terrifying reputation, Castor's charisma had no bounds. He had friends in the basketball and soccer teams. He had been part of the art club and the school's band. Aside from that, he had hung out with kids whose hobbies ranged from skating to racing.

People could look past his origins. He was so unlike her.

Callista had lots of acquaintances but few friends. People were nice to her, they would exchange pleasantries with her but she could still see the glint of fear on their eyes. It's almost a blessing her social media followers judge on face and clothes alone. They didn't know what she was truly capable of.

Callista and Castor both came from powerful crime families. And Luciano's heir might act like a raging beast st times but she was certain, she had done more fearsome things than him.

Ever since she was a child, her father had taught her to take no shit from anyone. To not let anyone question her decisions. To not let anyone take what was hers.

To take and take and win.

When her bodyguard had died, Caly realized how true her father's words were. She could take anything she wanted. Even someone's life.

Maybe that was the problem. She could have anything that she didn't know what she wanted to have anymore.

Castor's eye caught hers. She turned away, feeling her heartbeat doubled. Kissing the man shitted all over plans.

Callista had given out options about what winning would look like but her mind had already laid out the perfect solution of ending the rivalry between the two families. It had been on her mind since she came back.

Castor was hers. He had been the first time they met.

But Franco was not.

So she decided to choose Franco and have the Castellano family on her palm. If she got rid of Francisco Castellano, she could end everything. The threats would stop. She could have peace.

Franco was the right choice.

It was a perfect plan.

Or it should have been before Castor's green eyes started giving her heartaches. Cracks had appeared on her solid plot.

"Tori, why don't we go visit Mallorie? I don't think I can stay here," she stated, seeing Tori ate the last piece of sushi.

She swallowed her food. "Are you sure? I still want to eat tempura."

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