43 | bond and bonds

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Franco stepped on the gas as Castor busied on his phone

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Franco stepped on the gas as Castor busied on his phone. The smile on his face indicated that he was texting Callista. To think they parted just thirty minutes ago. He wanted to roll his eyes but he was somewhat glad too.

At least now, he didn't have to see all those pining looks they were giving each other. Honestly, their sexual tension was getting ridiculous. Though he sincerely prayed that they wouldn't be the type of couple who worships PDA.

"You just saw each other," Franco quipped.

"Yeah, well, I miss her," Castor replied with a shrug.

He chuckled.

Franco cringed at his past actions. He had never fathomed why he thought he could get between Caly and Castor. Damn, he was too stupid to even question his father.

As Franco thought of his parents, his heart pounded in anxiety. Castor had assured him of Celeste Luciano's accommodation but he remained nervous. He touched the necklace that Callista had given him and a rush of air filled his lungs.

"That...necklace..." Castor frowned. "Is that from Caly?"

Franco straightened and set his hand back on the wheel. His first instinct was to lie. What if Castor was jealous? Their relationship wasn't fragile but it wasn't solid either. Fuck.

"She gave that to you?" his brother inquired.

"Y-yes..." Franco licked his lips as he changed gears. "But she said that—"

"I'm not angry. I just..." Franco turned to see Castor fold his arms. He was in deep thought before he shook his head. "Nevermind. Don't lose that."

Franco was about to protest when Castor groaned again. "What is that shit playing in my car?"

Castor bent forward to change the music when Franco swatted his hand. "Hey. Drivers pick the music. That's a rule."

Beethoven's Für Elise blasted through the speakers. It calmed him down but his brother wasn't amused.

"Christ! How nerdy can you get?" Cas grumbled before he focused on his phone.

The drive was smooth aside from Castor's pleas of changing the music. But Franco wouldn't budge. He was too sure that Survivor couldn't calm his nerves. But Mozart could.

Franco was proven wrong as they reached Luciano's mansion. The pit in his stomach was larger than before. He parked the car and Castor went out pretty fast while he froze.

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