30 | envy and envious

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Their place in Queens was ten times bigger than what he had in Manhattan

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Their place in Queens was ten times bigger than what he had in Manhattan. The mansion was surrounded by a green Bermuda field and an expansive garden with an enormous gazebo. He drove his Bugatti inside and parked by the entrance. He threw the keys at a servant as they got out.

"It's a lot bigger," Caly commented beside him, flipping her long hair backward. "I don't like it."

He chuckled and turned to Lisa. "Go by the pool. Marcus will meet you there."

The curly-haired girl nodded and went inside while Castor clutched Caly's hand. He tugged her to the massive garden where the scent of flowers was enticing him.

"Wow," Callista exclaimed when they reached an archway made from purple bougainvilleas. "Is this what made you interested in flowers?"

Castor tightened his hold on her. "Not really."

He could feel Caly's doubtful gaze but he ignored it. They stepped on petals and dried leaves alike before reaching the slabs of concrete that lead to the wooden gazebo. Hanging plants adorned the place with a bonsai garden by the entrance. His mother usually resides in the gazebo, reading a book of myths or flowers. But today, they found her tending to her newly-planted peonies.


Celeste Luciano twisted her head to the pair. She stood up from her crouching position, yanking the dirty gloves off her dainty fingers. Her sapphire eyes scanned the younger girl's form.

"Ah, the girl I've heard so much about." Celeste's blonde tresses shimmered against the sun's rays. She smiled and lurched forward to seize Caly in a hug.

Castor stood awkwardly, scratching at his neck. "Caly's here for a short visit."

"Oh," her mother muttered, her long-sleeved blue dress waving against the wind. She placed her palms on Callista's cheeks. "You're so beautiful. You suit my son well."

"Uhm, I'm not—"

"Although, if Apollo is here, he'd suit you better," Celesta stated. "Cas is okay, of course." She added with a silly laugh. "But still, you should have the best."

There it was, Castor thought grimly.

Callista's grey eyes flew to his. It was filled with questions and a flicker of annoyance. He shook his head in response, begging her to remain quiet.

"I agree, Ma'am," Caly replied with a forced smile. "And it seems we're disturbing you. We can go ahead."

Castor cleared his throat. "I'll show her around, Mother."

Celeste tipped her head, not losing the mirth she had upon seeing Callista. "Sure. Be a good host, Castor. You know your brother would."

Callista yanked his arm the moment his mother spun around. They reached the other side of the garden before Caly saw it fit to shout at him. "What was that? Why is she like that?"

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