32 | fair and fairest

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Callista Genovese didn't know fear

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Callista Genovese didn't know fear. There was a trick to that. Never have anything important that you are too afraid to lose. And she had been living that way since the start.

No one knew her weakness. Maybe Tori and Thomas.

But it was her secret.

She let out a relieved sigh as the bullet hit the wall. Based on Dos' eclectic eyes and harsh breaths, he was the kind who's bound to shoot anything that moves. He had instigated a shootout instead of killing his target. Of course, he was crazy.

Caly immediately knew what to do. "You know what, Dos?"

Castor frowned at her but she continued talking, "If you want to hurt Castor that much, that gun should probably be on me."

"Callista!" Her best friend yelled as Dos grinned and switched his target.

Castor rested a hand on the counter, gripping it tight as the blood resumed flowing from his head. "Callista, are you an idiot?"

Caly should have felt panic and terror and all of the things that came with death as she stared at the end of a gun.

But she didn't.

Because the truth was, there was only one thing she was afraid of losing.

Not her money. Not her father. Not her life.

Only her best friend.


Callista Genovese marched to a group of boys, her committee badge shining on her collar. She waved the smoke away, ignoring the irked look on their faces. She tilted her head up. "Smoking is prohibited on school grounds."

"Bitch," one of them said.

"Oh, sorry." The boy with dark hair and rings on his fingers threw his cigarette and stepped on it. He kicked off from the wall and stood in front of her. "Done."

She smirked at him. "Good boy."


"Why are you sitting with me?" Callista demanded when Castor Luciano sat in front of her. He had been looking at her ever since the smoking incident. Caly was prepared for a retaliation some sort after knowing what kind of group he ran with. But what she got was a stalker. After the weird gazes, he finally had the courage to approach her.

Caly tipped her head to the side. "Don't you know who I am?"

"The killer queen?" he replied. Castor twirled his fork on his pasta, his emerald eyes twinkling. "Where'd you get that nickname? It's quite...scary."

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