
785 29 18

Dare: I dare Gohan to kiss you in front of everyone on the lips for 5 whole minutes :3

Admin: I'm gonna die

Goten: *scared* What!? Why Lesly-chan!? Are you sick?

Admin:*shakes head* I'm gonna die of embarrassment! I CAN'T KISS GOHAN!

Goten: Why not? You said you liked him-

Admin: Goten be quiet! I-I'm gonna hide bye!

Gohan:*appears* Hey Lesly!


Gohan: Is everything alright? Did we receive another dare yet? Because I'm ready!

Admin:*blushes hard* Um...uh...

Goten: You got a dare to kiss Lesly on the lips for 5 minutes! In front of everyone!

Gohan:*eyes grow wide* W-what!?

Trunks: *appears* I'm here!

Vegeta: Why the hell are we here?

Bulma: I heard something was going to happen?

Goku: Hi son!

Chichi: Gohan! What happened to your studies?

Krillin: I can't believe you forced me to come Eighteen

Eighteen: *shruggs* I have grown rather fond of Lesly

Admin: YEP...I'm gonna die...BYE! *runs away*

Gohan: Wait! *runs after her and grabs her arm* You don't want to do it?

Admin:*turns and looks at him* Do you?

Gohan:*blushes and looks away* Well...we can't let the audience down...

Admin: Ohmygosh your right! I-I can't let them down! What am I doing?

Gohan: Right so let's start-

Admin: If I let my fans down...they will hate me. I need to make sure I don't do that...

Gohan: Yeah so-

Admin: Because I love my audience! *waves to audience* You guys are awesome!

Gohan: They are but we need to-

Admin: Nope! I'm not gonna let them down! I will do all the dares even if i'm involved!

Gohan: Mhm yeah listen we need to-

Admin: Sorry audience I apologize for this inconvenience,  i'll make sure to do all the dares-

Gohan: LESLY!

Admin:*turns to him* What is it-

Gohan:*presses his lips on hers and kisses her*

Admin:*shocked but kisses him back*

Trunks: Ew!

Goten: Whoa so thats kissing!


Goku: Amazing son

Vegeta: That player

Bulma: Cute!

Krillin: I knew that was going to happen eventually

Eighteens: *nodds* I agree

~5 minutes later

Gohan:*pulls back* There its done *blushes*

Admin: just kissed me...*faints*

Gohan: Lesly? *catches her* Oh gosh are you okay!?

Goten: Oh no Lesly-chan is knocked out! The good thing is she left me in charge! Yay me! Ok bye! Please keep asking questions and daring! *waves*

Ask or Dare Son Gohan {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now