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(If you don't watch Naruto Shippuden, then you probably won't understand much of this dare)

Dare: I dare Gohan to join the Akatsuki for one day

Admin: More Naruto!!! *smiles brightly*

Gohan: Hey aren't they bad guys?

Admin: Yeah but their hilarious people. Well some of them are. Ok let's get this started!! *pulls Gohan and instant transmits to Akatsuki hideout*

Sasori: What are you doing here Lesly?

Deidara: Hn, she probably came to tell you that I'm right: Art is an explosion!!!

Admin:*rolls eyes* Hey Sasori and Deidara

Hidan: b*tch what are you f*cking doing here

Admin: Nice to see you too Hidan

Kakazu: Did you come to give us money?

Admin: Eh...Sure Kakazu *throws him bag of money*

Kakazu: *catches it* Thanks!

Tobi: Tobi is a good boy!

Admin: *laughs*...great to see you too Obito

Tobi: Wait what-

Itachi: Hello Lesly

Kisame: Who's that

Admin: *shocked* I am admin!!!

Kisame: Who?

Itachi: That's Lesly-Chan *smiles under coat*

Kisame: Hmm...I've never seen you before

Admin: Well now you did.

Gohan: Hello

Kisame: Who's that

Itachi: Hmm... I don't know...*uses sharingan* it seems he's Lesly-Chan' s husband...wait what???

Admin:*blushes* Your right he's my husband.

Gohan: Nice to meet-

Pain: All Akasuki members report to- *sees Admin and Gohan* Lesly? What brings you here at the Akasuki hideout?

Admin: Hey Nagato just wanted to know if Gohan can join you guys for the day

Pain: Gohan? *looks at Gohan curiously*

Gohan: *holds up hands* I don't bite!

Konan: Nagato let him join us. Its only for a day

Pain: All right. Only because you said so Konan. Here you go *hands Gohan an Akatsuki cape*

Gohan: Whoa this is awesome!! *puts it on*

Admin: Wow Gohan. That looks great on you!

Gohan:*blushes* Thanks!!


Sasori: ....and that is what true are is.

Gohan: Cool

Deidara: *laughs* Sasori my man, that's not true art.

Sasori: *angry* Yes it is!

Kakazu:*turns to Gohan* Are you by any chance in the bingo book?

Gohan: No...

Kakazu: You better not be lying

Hidan: Sh*t he's probably lying

Gohan: I'm not (Thinks: These guys are freaks)

Itachi: So Gohan. *jealous* How's the married life? With Lesly-chan?

Gohan: Really good. I love her-

Itachi:*walks away*

Kisame: Want to hold Samehada? *smirks and hands him his sword*

Gohan: Sure *holds him* Whoa this is a cool sword!!

Kisame: What the...Samehada!! Hurt him!!

Samehada: *refuses*

Gohan: It moves!! *Pets the sword*

Pain: Gohan do you know pain?

Gohan: I get injured here and there when I fight bad enemies-


Gohan: *moves before getting hit*

Konan: Pain stop it!

Admin: *appears* Gohan time to go!!

Itachi: Hey Lesly

Admin: Hi Itachi. Gohan time to go!!

Gohan: All right Lesly

Admin: Arigato for reading!!

Ask or Dare Son Gohan {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now