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Lottus: Hm...I dare Gohan to...fuse with Master Roshi's sister AND, get an artist to draw you while you say "Draw me like one of your french girls~" and wink at the artist. X3 perfection...

~ At Admin's house ~

Some dude: *knocks on door*

Admin: Gah!! More fangirls?!? *opens door* What do ya want? Be quick about it!!

Some dude: Son Lesly?

Admin: Yes that's me- *sees him holding a cookie cake* Omg what precious thing your holding!!!

Some dude: Yes this is from a girl named: *looks at clipboard* Uhh...? Son Maya? Yes.

Admin: Yay Maya-Chan sent me a cookie cake!! *takes it from him* Kay bye!!

Some dude: Wait-

Admin:*closes door* What nice manners. *puts cookie on table*

Gohan: Les? Who was at the door? *walks to the living room and sees cake* Is that a cake?

Admin: Correction its a cookie cake!! *cuts it in half with knife*

Goten: *breaks though window* Lesly-chan!!!

Admin: GOTEN!!! *angry* You broke meh window!

Goten: I did? Oh im sowwy. *bows head*

Admin: Aww who could stay mad at you? *hugs him* Where's your girlfriend?

Goten:*looks up* You mean Neko? She is at my house helping mommy bake!! Oh and I came to give you this! *hands her a piece if paper* I didn't get what it said...

Admin: Ok *reads dare* Master Roshi's sister? Baba? *tries to hold in laughter* Gohan!!!

Gohan: I'm right here *walks over to her* What is it? *reads dare* Why me?!?

Admin: Get to it!! Oh wait i'll instant transmit you to her *puts fingers on head* There she is!!

~ At Yemma's office ~

Baba: *floats on ball thingy* You want me to...what?!?

Admin: Only temporary! Please Baba? I'll give ya a cookie...

Baba: Never!!

Gohan: Well we tried. Now lets go-

Admin: Wait Gohan!! Now Baba...*smirks and whispers in her ear* What if I could give you something you've always wanted...let's say a... man?

Baba: *face turns bright red* I don't need such a thing!!

Admin: I saw you look at that guy over there *points at a guy* Its fine. Your a woman, we all understand

Baba:*looks away* His name is Kevin...

Admin:*smiles* So do we have a deal?

Baba: F-fine!! I'll do it!!

~ Later

Gohan: Are we even allowed to fuse?! Shes a woman!! And not only that...were both different in height!!

Admin: *shrugs* I dunno. Well see.

Baba: Fu-sion-HA!!

Gohan:*disgusted* Fu-sion-HA!!

~ They transform

Gohan + Baba = Goban

Goban: I'm a woman!! *looks at her own body*

Admin: Huh. I guess Baba's the one controlling the body...*looks at Goban* Not bad...she has pink hair


Admin: WAIT!! *holds her arm* Second part of the dare first!!

Goban: Ugh Fine!!

~ At an artist house

Goban: Draw me like one of your french girls...*winks at him*

Artist: Ok hun. *draws her and blushes*

Goban: I like this body!! I'm taller!!

Admin: Yeah you longs it been? *looks at phone* 25 minutes...almost there Gohan

Artist: Its finished!! *shows her his artwork*

Goban: Love it- *transforms back to normal*

Baba: No!!!

Gohan: Yes!!

Artist: EWWW!!!! *drops artwork*

Admin: Bye!! ツ

Ask or Dare Son Gohan {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now