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I dare Gohan to fuse with Goku

Admin: Fu-sion-HA!!

Maya: Fu-sion-HA!!

~They both fuse~

Adama: *waves* HELLO!!!

Gohan: *sweatdrops* Really??

Adama: What? What's wrong? We look so gorgeous!! *whips hair back*

Gohan: Um...

Adama: We do. RIGHT?? *glares at Gohan*

Gohan: O-Oh yes!!

Adama: *smiles* Good.

Gohan: *sighs* Now what was the whole point of this again?

Adama: So we can spar with you and Goku fused!! *hands him dare*

Gohan: *takes it and reads dare* Whoa...I get to fuse with my dad!!

Adama: *mumbles* And get beaten by us...

Gohan: What?

Adama: Huh? Oh nothing...*smirks*

Goku: Hey Son! Where's Maya?

Adama: *waves hand in front of his face* I'm right here

Goku: *gasps* M-maya-chan??

Gohan: They're fused Dad. Lesly and Maya did the fusion dance. Now their name is Adama.

Goku: *scratches head* Ok. Hi Adama.

Adama: *rolls eyes* Hi. Hurry up and fuse so we can spar!!

Gohan: *turns to Goku* Oh and we also have to fuse. Its a dare.

Goku: That seems fun! I wanna spar!

Gohan: Ok let's do this Dad!

Goku: Right Son!

Gohan: Fu-sion-HA!

Goku: Fu-sion-HA!


Gokhan: *smirks* What's up?

Adama: *gasps* WHOA!! Your HOT!

Gokhan: *blushes* Thanks. Ready to spar now!?

Adama: *cracks knuckles* I've been born ready. *Gets into fighting stance*

Gokhan: *gets into fighting stance also* Lets do this!!

Adama: Yay! *shoots multiple ki blasts*

Gokhan: *dodges them and stands back*

Adama: *charges at them* HAAAA!!!

Gokhan: *blocks punch*

Adama: *kicks him away*

Gokhan: *is sent far away*

Adama: Come on is that it!?

Gokhan: *whispers behind her* Nope

Adama: *instant transmits before he could punch her*

Gokhan: *smirks* Ka...Me...Ha...Me...

Adama: Oh that attack huh? Two can play at that game. Ka...Me...Ha...Me...


Ask or Dare Son Gohan {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now