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I dare you and Gohan to get drunk and then run around west city in front of all the z fighters shouting that the world is going to end in your underwear

Admin: *singing* You've got to unleash...I just want to feel you with me...Like we all share one heartbeat...

Gohan: LESLY!!

Admin: *stops* WHAT??

Gohan: Dare!! We got a dare!

Admin: EH?? What do you mean 'we?'

~ Later!! ~

Admin: AHAHAHA!! I *Hiccups* LOVE *Hiccups* COOKIES!!

Gohan: *Hiccups* ME TOO! *jumps on Lesly*

Admin: *laughs* Get- *hiccups* off *hiccups* me

Gohan: *hiccups* No* hiccups*

Admin: *flies toward city* FUN!! *twirls in circles*

Gohan: HA *hiccups* HA *hiccups* HA!!!

Admin: *burst into laughter* You *hiccups* can't even* hiccups* laugh!

Gohan: I *Hiccups* KNOW!

Admin: TIME FOR YOUR CLOTHES OFF!! *starts to take his clothes off*

Gohan: YOU TOO!! *does the same*

~ At the city~

Admin: *in underwear* THE WORLD IS GOING TO END!!!

Gohan: BELIEVE IT!! *runs in underwear*

Person: The F***


Gohan: *laughs* BYE!!

Ask or Dare Son Gohan {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now