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the. I dare Gohan to divorce her again and then k*ll her so she never will dare him to marry him again! And then make teen Gohan thank me by bringing me to the carnival along with Goten and trunks! (And Teen Gohan hasn't seen us older, he last time seen us as kids, think buu saga)

Admin: I hope this is the last dare for marrying Teen Gohan because seriously I'm just plain tired of this...oh wait I forgot I had one more *coughs* Ally

Gohan: *reads dare* Whoa. Killing. I can't believe Carlita-San dared that...

Admin: Me neither...Welp let's get to it! *breaks though ashlyn's house* Hellooooo??? *looks around* Huh, no one here...

Gohan: Maybe they left somewhere?

Admin: No..they couldn't have...*walks over to Ashlyn's room* *hears voices* Wait! I hear something! *places ear onto door*

Gohan: What is it? *places ear on door also*

Teen Gohan: *afraid* No! Please! I'm too young for that! I'm not ready!

Ashlyn: Stop moving Gohan! Let me take them off!

Admin and Gohan: *eyes widen in shock*

Teen Gohan: But...what are you going to do?

Ashlyn:*laughs* Show you where babies come from

Admin:*breaks down door*  All right what the hell is going on- *sees inappropriate stuff* OH MY GOD!!! THAT BURNS!!!! *covers eyes* AHHHH!!!

Gohan: *walks in* Les-

Admin: *covers his eyes* Don't look!!

Teen Gohan: Henry! Admin! Your here!

Admin: Of course we are *hugs teen Gohan* What where you trying to do? *glares at Ashlyn*

Ashlyn: *smirks* Well I was going to-

Admin: Don't answer! Gohan, are you ready for another dare yet?

Teen Gohan: Uh...yes?

Admin: That a boy! *pats his back* Here ya go dude *gives him dare*

Teen Gohan: *reads dare and stares at it* N-No way!

Admin: Yup! Carlita-San did this for you!

Teen Gohan: But I can't kill-

Gohan: I never did that before so have fun!

Teen Gohan: Henry? *confused* Why would you do dares? Did you sign a contract also?

Gohan: Um...well...uh...

Admin: Its not important. Now on to the dare >.>

Teen Gohan: Right. *turns to Ashlyn*

Ashlyn:*gasps* You can't kill me!!

Teen Gohan: I have to *walks over to her*

Admin: O.O

~ Later ~

Gohan: Whoa

Teen Gohan: *blood on hands* D-Did I really do that!?

Admin: Um...yeah...*nervous* Lets take you to see Carlita

~ To Carlita ~

Carlita: Gohan! *hugs teen Gohan*

Teen Gohan: Thank you! You saved me! Want to go to the carnival?

Carlita:*smiles* Sure!

Goten: Yay! We get to go!

Trunks: I know!

~ Carnival ~

Carlita: WEEEEE!!! *goes on marry-go-round*

Teen Gohan: *laughs* This is fun!

Goten: Yeah you said it!

Trunks: Yup!

Admin: Keep asking or daring...

Gohan: I hope I don't have to kill anyone...

Short I know. Have lots on my hands so yeah...

Ask or Dare Son Gohan {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now