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Dare: This is Ashlyn and i want to dare Gohan to kiss then divorce you and marry me and we live happily ever after

Goten: NOOOOOOO!!!!

Trunks: This is absurd! Gohan and Lesly are like, inseparable! And if you want to know how we know that never mind we won't tell you

Goten:*cries* We need to tell Lesly-sensei right away!

Trunks: Yeah let's go!

~To Admin and Gohan on their date

Admin: Eeep! *smiles* You shouldn't have Gohan...You know I love cookies!

Gohan: *smiles at her* Oh yeah I know you do. I did see you eat 1200 cookies remember? That bet you did with Maya-Chan? Poor Maya btw

Admin:*giggles* Yeah I remember...*leans closer to him* Soo

Gohan:*leans closer also* Soo

Trunks & Goten: LESLY!!! GOHAN!!!

Admin: Hm? *turns around and sees them running toward them*

Trunks: Bad news!

Goten: We got another dare!

Admin: Dare? Oh my kami I forgot! Gohan!!! We need to go-

Trunks: Wait! You have to read the dare first Lesly-Chan. It's not...good!

Admin:*looks at him confused* What do you mean?

Gohan:*holds Lesly's hand* Tell us already

Goten:*starts bawling*

Admin: Goten...what's wrong little buddy?

Trunks: Here *hands her dare*

Admin:*takes it* Ok *reads dare*

Trunks and Goten: *watch Lesly's reaction*

Admin: *drops paper and let's go of Gohan's hand in shock*

Gohan: Lesly? What does it say? *grabs paper and reads dare* WHAT!?

Admin:*turns away from them* How could someone write something like this...

Ashlyn:*appears* Because I want Gohan!

Admin:*starts tearing up*

Ashlyn: Now where's my kiss? *looks at Gohan and winks at him*

Gohan: *stands there*

Trunks: Psst Gohan you need to do something

Gohan: I...I...

Admin: Just do it Gohan. It's a dare. I can't do anything about it, I'm going...I'm going to go...

Ashlyn:*hugs Gohan* Come on my fiancé. Well once you divorce her you''ll be mine

Admin:*looks down and fly's away*

Goten: Lesly wait for me! *flys after her*

Trunks: Damn this is too good *flys after her also*

Gohan: *stands there uncomfortable*

Ashlyn: I'm waiting

Gohan:*sighs* Fine *kisses her cheek*

Ashlyn: I want a kiss on the lips not-

Gohan: *pulls out of hug* Look Ashlyn, I don't even know you. I know that you have feelings for me but I don't. I'm already married to Lesly and I love her with all my heart. I can't just break up with her and lose everything we had just because of a dare. I only want her. So I refuse to do the dare.

Ashlyn: No! You have to do it!

Gohan: No I won't. I'm sorry. I hope you find someone else that will love you*flys away*

~To Lesly, Goten, and Trunks (at Lesly's house)

Admin:*crying on bed* WHY!?

Trunks:*shrugs* Maybe you guys weren't meant to be

Goten: Trunks! Your not helping!

Trunks: Sorry.

Admin: I'm gonna die for real this time

Goten: What!? No Lesly-Chan!!!

Trunks: You should marry...Yamcha then

Admin: *glares at Trunks* What the hell!? Who wants to marry Yamcha??

Gohan:*appears* Lesly!

Admin: If your here for your stuff go ahead and take it

Gohan: I'm not leaving

Admin: Huh? *looks at him*

Gohan: I'm NOT divorcing you Lesly. I love you and want to be with you!

Admin: ....

Goten: Yosh!

Admin: What about the dare?

Gohan: I'm not doing it.

Admin: What!? But...

Gohan: I know you care about your fans and would do anything but in this case no one's going dare me to leave you and get away with it

Admin: *smiles* I should have been the one to say that...

Goten: Yay Keep asking or daring! ツ

Admin: Sorry Ashlyn. Gohan's MINE!!!

Ask or Dare Son Gohan {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now