Chapter 9- 'In The Plane'

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Ian Kingsley

This girl was bipolar. One moment she was pouting at me like a child whose candy has just been stolen and the next she was smiling like I am a fucking Greek god.

And damn stubborn too. I mean, if I did not answer her question in the first time, she should just understand that I am not in the mood to do some chit-chat!

And don't forget to say beautiful. My subconscious reminded me and I mentally rolled me eyes at it.

Well, she is beautiful. The way her dress was fitting her curves, the smile she had on her lips, her way of talking... is different from every girl I have ever met.

And that all combines to a beautiful, bipolar and damn stubborn gold-digger. What? She is a gold-digger!

I noticed the way she was gawking at every expensive thing. Whether it was the ring, whether it was the decoration of the church, or the cake and even the jet. Only a gold digger would do that!


I think I forgot to mention one thing.

Her acting. She should win Oscar for her amazing acting skills.

Honestly, she is a pretty damn good actor. The way she was fucking smiling at my mom, and then asking about her health, as if she actually care. I can't believe that mom gave her the permission to call her 'mom.' Maybe my mom did not notice it, but I did not forget to notice how she was buttering up my mom.

And her table manners... are like, wow! Can you believe that her mouth was stuffed with cupcakes when I approached her! Like, many people were looking at her! Which bride sits with stuffed mouth on her wedding?!

Give me a fucking break!

I was staring at her the whole time, but it did not stop her from acting like a damn manner less woman .

I glanced at her, who was just heading towards the bedroom. She looked pretty damn beautiful in that white dress. When James told me that she was looking like a queen in the wedding dress they both had chosen... I was not expecting this. She was not looking like a queen, she was looking like a fucking angel who has just arrived from heaven.

When she entered the hall, I was practically staring at her, until James cleared his throat and took me back to earth.

Atleast she has some fashion sense in that stupid and stubborn mind of hers.

Anyways, we both were flying to Paris. For our 'honeymoon.'

After I told my mom that I am going to marry Amy, she was beyond excited. I thought that she was happy, but that was not it! And then she told me to take her to honeymoon too!

I was so shocked to hear that. And then I told her the first thing that came into my mind. That I had already planned to take her Paris.

But this was not the truth. I am a businessman. I have a lot more important things to do than going on honeymoons with some gold-digger.
Actually, I was on a business trip. We had a deal with Marshell Enterprises a few weeks ago, and I had to visit here to finalize the deal. So I thought, why not take my beautiful wife with me?

Note the sarcasm.

"Oh My God!" Someone shouted as I took a seat, and I already knew whose voice was that. My beautiful wife!

Let her deal with this herself, whatever it is.

I laid my head back on the couch just as another scream was heard. What the fuck is happening there?

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