Chapter 1-♡First day of work???♡

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(Jace's p.o.v)
I'm standing by door of a black BMW X7 waiting for Miss downs,I'm at her huge mansion and I've been waiting for fifteen minutes but I don't mind,I'd rather be super early and wait than be late and lose my job.

I stare at the huge mansion in awe the same way I did two years ago.

It is so huge and beautiful,I've never been in it before but judging by the way the exterior looks,the interior would be marvellous.

Listen here Cooper I don't know who the hell you think you are to try and control me!!! But let me warn you for the last time I will not tolerate it again cause I have heard enough!!! This is my business and you of all people are in no place to tell me how to run it!!! Riele screamed as she walked out of the house holding her phone up to her ear.

Her maids ran after her with panic written all over their faces,one of them carried her purse and the other carried her laptop.

I immediately straightened my posture, knowing she's In a bad mood I can't make any mistakes.

You are not my father Cooper!!! You are just a step dad!!! And you will never be more than that.

I definitely know what this is about,it's about her step dad Mr Barnes,he gives her advice about work but Miss downs is too stubborn to listen to them.

Because they pretty much don't agree on anything,don't ask how I know,I've seen it,and the thing is they have a lot in common but they just can't see it or maybe they both won't admit it to each other.

Hey you!! If you're gonna stand there and think all day,you might as well inform me so that I can give your job to someone else!!!, Someone screamed in my face and my heart jumped when I saw who it was, Oh boy!!

I...I....I'm sorry Miss pl...Oh save that apology... you're such a stuttering mess... Ugh!! You disgust me!!! Now open the door this INSTANT!!! She screamed at me cutting me off.

I rushed immediately to the door and opened it,She stood there and stared eyeing me up and down.

She bit her lip,Who are you anyway?? Is this your first time on the job,she said disgust clear on her emotionless face.

My first time on the job!!! I've been......Shut it,I asked you two simple questions and I expect a simple answer!! She shouted cutting me off again.

Now who are you and is this your first day of work??

I'm Jace Norman Miss and No this is not my first day of work,I said looking down at my feet.

Why?? I couldn't possibly look into does eyes,I can't and will never,though I did look in it once,it held so much power and confidence,and I've never seen so much power in one person's eye.

(No one's p.o.v)

Hey you stop acting like you're dumb and take me to work,I don't want to Fire you because you look like you need the job.

She said and he bowed and shut the door.

He started the engine and constantly watched her through the mirror while he drove.

He couldn't deny that she was beautiful, more beautiful than he had ever noticed

He had been working for her for two years,yet he never really looked at her,he had seen her on t.v and magazines too but he never saw her past just being pretty but now just staring at her through the mirror made he feel something strange,he didn't know what it was.

Focus on the road jace,focus,if she catches you staring then you're done for,jace told himself but his eye refused to listen as it darted over to her again.

You're Just my Driver!!Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя