Chapter 43- Jason

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( No one's p.o.v )

I slowly climbed up the stairs making my way to Jason's room which she directed me to,the first room on the left in the hallway,he has a seperate room from the others because he believes he needs his privacy as he is older than the rest. He seems to act more mature than his age which is expected of him since he is the oldest????......I am not really sure.

I knocked gently on his door but recieved no reply,I knocked again but the same silence continued, i lifted my hand to knock again but the door swung open revealing a pretty angry Jason, i stared at him like i was staring at a mirror, he looked like the immature version of me when i am angry, I wanted to coo and tell him how cute he was but it didnt seem like a pretty good idea at the moment.

Hi, I said and he stared me up and down before attempting to slam the door in my face, i stuck my leg out and stopped him, What do you want?? He rolled his eyes and walked away to sit on his bed, Make it snappy i got more important things to do, He said and stared at me while i walked in as well but didn't take a sit because he didn't ask me to. My name is Jace Norman, I told him and he nodded.

What do you want with my mo..Riele??

umm....What is your name?? I asked him gently crouching to his level and making sure he could look me in the eye, I..I..My name is Jason...He said and tilted his head to the side studying my face, You look like me, He whispered. No...You look like me, I said hoping he would grasp the meaning i was trying to pass on. He gasped,his eyes widening at my statement, he got my message.

You.... are you? Mom said you.... I dont understand....Just tell me why you are you can go and let me be, He said and folded his arms with a pout, finally a kid like action damn this kid talks like he is a teenager. Just like i told your mom i came here to get what is mine...I replied

Is there anything here that belongs to you??? He asked.

No but yes, I said and he gave me a weird look, If you have nothing to say then go away, I want to be alone.

Jason,how would you feel getting to finally meet your father?? I asked him and i could see his eyes visibly light up.

It would be so cool!!!! I am sure we will be best of friends... But i hope he is cool like me though and also as good looking as me! He blabbed,practically bouncing up and down his bed. He is, I said and he froze. how do you know that??He asked. i couldn't a help but smile wishing i could bundle him up and shower him with kisses.

he gave me a suspicious look tilting his head to the side before sighing and looking down at his tiny fingers.

Newermind....nevermind mom, I mean Riele said he is never coming back, she said he probably does not want us, He whispered the last part sadly and i bit my lips trying hard not to show my anger towards Riele.

what if he does??? What if he just didnt know he had you, I whispered gently to him.

Then he has nothing to worry about because i am a good boy, I will forgive him!! he smiled while i nodded in approval and knelt down completely in front of him.

Well, Jason.. can i tell you a secret?? I asked him. He nodded and shifted closer to me completely interested. i chuckled a bit and moved closer as well,

"You have met him" I whispered making him gasp.... What?!

What do you mean?!! he asked staring at me wide eyed. I just laughed at his reaction completely taken aback by his cuteness.

When?! Who?! How?!!Wh- He froze as if he had just realized something and stared at me with wide eyes.

He slowly lifted his fingers and placed them on my cheek before pulling back and touching his cheek as well, as if trying to interpret it correctly. He suddenly gasped.

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