Chapter 37- Reuniting

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(No one's p.o.v)

Oh my God, Jace.... We thought you were dead, we even almost did a burial! Sean said wiping a stray tear from his eyes.

They were supposed to be happy now but that fear of never seeing jace again, still resided.

He couldn't get over the feeling.

Sean, Ella and Chase arrived as soon as Kurt called them, they poured their hearts out about how dead they felt because they thought jace was dead.

Now they were all clinging to jace as he sat in the middle of the couch with jace sitting on his lap

He was happy.... they were all happy but something seemed to be missing.


He wanted to go to her right away, tell her he's okay... but... wait no buts.. he was gonna do it right now.

What he wondered though was why no one spoke about her... they didn't even say a word.

I'm going to find Riele. He suddenly said and it felt like they all froze except Tyler who also looked like he noticed their reaction.

What?? He asked and they looked at each other before kurt finally spoke.. Jace..I don't think you should.

What?? Why?? Jace asked moving forward so he was no longer leaning on the couch.

She... she uhh...

You just shouldn't go to her, Sean spoke up and jace shook his head.

That is not a valid reason.

She asked us to stay away from her, said we were nothing but burdens.. Ash said and Ella covered her face with both hands.

She didn't mean it... I know she didn't. Ella whispered to herself.

W..What are saying i don't understand, Jace ran his hand through his hair and breathed a shaky breath, his heart seemed to pick up pace.

What we are saying is that, she doesn't want us anywhere near her or her building...don't go there Jace... you have to let her go... she doesn't need us and we don't need he-

Enough!!! J..just stop!!! Okay?!!! Fucking stop!!! Do even hear yourself?!!! know what... I'm leaving!

Jace shouted his whole body shaking... he felt like he was being electrocuted all over again.

His heart was beating faster and faster and everything seemed to be spinning but he didn't care.

He put Chase in Ella's arms and got up, he didn't even feel the pain in his legs as he walked towards the door.

Jace!! Wait!!! Please don't go!!! Please... i don't want you to get hurt... please listen to me.... I- The door slammed shut cutting Ella off.

She stared at it shocked... and in disbelief.

No one moved to follow him...They didn't dare... They were scared... All of them.

Shit! He's going to worsen his injuries!! He is not even supposed to be walking, Tyler said and they all turned to him.

What happened to Jace??

It was Ella who whispered that, her eyes glistening with tears... this was not the jace she knew... he never got this angry... he never acted like this.

The doctor talked about this.... he is never gonna be the same, Tyler said.

W..What? Sean stuttered.

The torture.... it destroyed him... I'm sorry. Tyler said.

W..What a..are you talking about??!! What are you saying... what did they do to my brother?! Sean shouted.

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