Chapter 35- Escaping II

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(Timothy's p.o.v)

  Jace! I shouted and ran over to him before i could stop myself, he groaned and tried to but one of the men stepped on his back making he groan even louder and smash his jaw into the ground.'re behind this tim?? I had one of the guys say making me turn to look at them.

So?? I asked and they gasped.

What?! Aren't tired of being Reese's puppets, aren't you tired of killing innocent lives for that psycho?? Well i am! And i am going to do the right thing for once!! I said making them pass looks between themselves.

Dude what the fuck you saying?! We owe the boss our- No i owe him nothing?!! He fucking killed my parents and told me it was someone else!!!! Just to prove he gets whatever he wants?! And I.. I was fucking stupid! I believed him! I.... fuck! I cursed and ran my shaky hands through my hair.

Tim... I heard jade groan, gosh he is in so much pain, i looked at him and he smiled a one sided pained smile, his eyes were swollen and closed, he looked like hell... it made me upset, my hands were folded into fists and they were shaking.

I'm calling the boss, one of the guys said and pulled out his phone, i immediately kicked it out of his hands causing it to hit the wall and smash into pieces.

What the- dude i just got that phone!!!!

Well I'm not letting you call that psycho, I'm getting jace out of here, with or without your help...and if you stand in my way...or try to stop me, I'm gonna have to kill you, I spoke confidently dusting off an invisible dirt from my shoulder.

They burst out laughing while i smirked, i knew they had the upper hand but i wasn't going to give up... because of jace.

Dude you're totally out numbered, how the hell are you both gonna get out of here alive?

Sixty seconds left.

Shit!!! I turned around and in a swift motion i shot the two guys that held jace.

It shocked me how jace was on his feet almost immediately and picked up the gun of one of the now dead men.

I smiled at him and we both stood in front of the other two pointing our guns at them.

Thirty seconds left.

The door just up ahead began closing slowly....

Shit! I muttered as they also brought out their guns.

We don't have much time!

I was suddenly pushed and i ran into the guys catching them off guard, i immediately smacked one in the face with my gun and punched the other hard in the face knocking them both out then i pulled jace towards the almost closed doors.

He rolled out successfully but it seemed liked wouldn't make so i was ready to make a sacrifice, i don't deserve to live anyway.

I turned around ready to fight the dozens of men that i knew were heading my way.

When suddenly a hand grabbed my leg and pulled me from underneath the door just before it slammed shut.

I layed on the floor wide eyed and breathless.

What if the door slammed shut on my body?? I whispered.

What if i didn't make it??

What if..... you're okay tim... you're okay, he chuckled while i stared at him.

Let's get out of here, he said groaning as he picked himself up.

And stretched out his less injured hand, i took it but didn't rely on it to pull me up, he was hurt and i didn't want to make it worse.

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