Chapter 8- ♡PRETTY BAD DAY II♡

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(Riele's p.o.v )

It all started when I turned seven, this bitch here began to hate on me for no reason at all....

( Flashback )

( No one's p.o.v)

Daddy!! I can't find munchkin!! Little Riele screamed rushing down the stairs with tears rolling down her eyes.
Munchkin was her little pet hamster the first pet she ever had.

Honey are you sure he isn't in his cage, her dad asked and picked her up, No daddy I've checked a million times, I couldn't find him!!! She cried hiding her face in his shoulder.

Did you ask Reiya darling?? He asked and she lifted up her head in a flash, No I haven't asked her, I'll go ask her now, she said as her daddy dropped her.

Rei!! She screamed running up the stairs, where are you Rei,she screamed and opened rei' s bedroom door, Ten year old rei was standing in front of her desk with her back to the door.

She giggled as she did something on her desk.

Rei, have you seen munch....Ah!!! Riele screamed as she finally saw what her sister was doing, M..m..mun..munchkin??? She stuttered tears pouring down her face as she stared at her lovely pet laying lifeless in his own blood with dozens of pins stabbed into its body. w..w..what did you do?? Munchkin you killed munchkin you monster!!!! Riele screamed and jumped on her elder sister attacking her continuously with her little hands.

Get off me!!! Reiya screamed and pushed her sister resulting in her slamming her head into the pointy edge of the desk.

Making Riele scream as she touched the back of her head and saw blood.

Reiya got up laughing maniacally, look what you've done haha!! I think your head may be broken!!! Oh and munchkin,he put a lot strength and effort in screaming in pain so make sure to give him a befitting burial.

And also...little sis can i not see your blood anywhere in my room..... and before you die please leave my room.

Reiya said as her sister began to see everything in a blur..... She slammed the door when she saw Riele had fainted and didn't bother telling their father about it.

( End of flashback )

(Riele's p.o.v)

That!!! Is where it all began Cooper!! And do you know what she said when my dad asked her?? " Munchkin wasn't looking so good so I attempted acupuncture it wasn't my fault he died I was only trying to help" Riele spoke in a lighter voice her face scrunched in disgust.

And it didn't end there Cooper, this bitch snuck into my room one day in the middle of the night while I was asleep and cut my fucking hair oh and as if that wasn't enough she burnt it in front of me.

Few years later she hung my cat, ginger and stuffed my puppy into my pillow then sealed it. By the time I got home it was too late he was already dead.

Wanna know what else she did?? She pushed me down a flight of stairs after I hugged her because she was going to see mom who had arrived in town....i was just trying to say goodbye. Because of how hard I hit my head, I got amnesia for weeks!!!! Riele screamed and Reiya burst out laughing.... Oh I remember hahaha that was so fun I had convinced her that she was just our maid and she believed!!!!

Reiya said in between laughs as she held her stomach making riele's bite her bottom lip in anger, if only she could get hold of Reiya's and make her know what pain felt like.

Come on sister you don't have to cry we are not done yet.

Do you remember when you were fourteen ... you were everyone's favourite...

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