Chapter 7

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"She's back and the war is seven menses from today. I think we have some additions to the army." Iris summarised their conversation. I hate Eric for making all this awkward. 

Now every time I think of talking to her I feel his words ring in my ears. So I think I should eat him up instead of my brain.

I ring him up. He picks up after two beats of the pop song he put for his caller tune. 

"What?" he asks. I think he was studying. 

"Is that how you greet your best friend?" I question.

"correction, this is how you greet an asshole who disturbs you while you are in the middle of a book you are reading." 

"I will forgive you for calling me an asshole, which book are you reading?" 

"First I don't apologize for stating facts, and I am reading a book named The Heart, which according to the gift memory is written by Scarlett of your last life." 

"I know she wrote it Eric. Why are you reading it? You already know everything."

"I am reading it because I came home with my homework already finished and now I have nothing else to do." 

"Oh. Who did it?" 

"Sheldon, will you tell me why did you call me? I am sure you didn't call me for knowing which book am reading or who did my homework in Scarlett's handwriting." He really knows me too well.

"Umm yeah, you are right, I didn't call because of that. I just called because you have questioned every reality I ever had. Can you drop by? I'll open the portal for you." I propose. 

"I don't see any opening yet." he says and hangs up. I smile and open the portal. "Hey." I say.

"What is it?" he asks me.

"Eric, what did you mean to tell me when you gave me Scarlett's example about spending time with her friends?

"Sheldon, I didn't give her example. All I did was to at least give a reality check. You have spent practically all your life dedicated to Sera. See, dedication is one thing forgetting to have your own life is another." What?

"So you wanna say she's not dedicated to me?" I ask, a bit defensively. "I am not saying that. Listen to me first. See I understand that no one ever understood your feelings, understood you the way she does. But back then you had allowed only few friends to yourself. But now you have me. I want to know everything about you, what you feel, what you think. Honestly, I am your best friend first and I am tired of hearing what Scarlett thinks and does. Now I want to know what you think and will do."

"I don't understand, I am afraid" 

"Look. What do you think if Scarlett comes to you and talks only about what you think and how you make her feel and does not talk about herself at all?" 

This is a tough question. We obviously talk about our own selves. She talks about her family and friends as well along with talking about herself. I either talk about myself or her with her.

"Eric. When did you learn how to convince me? I have been living like this all my life and was always troubled by the thought that why I never had enough topics to be excited about!"

He smiles and continues. "Shel, I know it's hard for you confide in me most of the times since am a mortal but I am always here for you. You know why you are always so frustrated feeling like something is pushing you down a very small neck of a bottle you can't fit in?" I nod.

"That's because you don't complain about a problem to it's cause. I am not saying Scar's a problem but many times you are upset about her behavior or action or even upset with her. And on those particular times you have no one other than her to go and bitch about her. And when you came into this relationship in this lifetime even when I didn't know the truth it had already become your habit."

"What has become my habit?" I ask mesmerized by the fact that he has assessed all my emotions with such accuracy. 

"The habit of supplementing her mistakes with illogical and unnecessary justifications." 

"Huh? What? Example please?" I am confused now.

"I say take an example of a mosquito that bit me. Take the mosquito for Sera, my hand as your feelings. That mosquito bit my hand, now it's itching so much! But instead of leaving it at that I go on to saying that it needed my blood to live so that's makes it okay." how annoying.

"Now, how would you feel?" he waits for me to answer. He was imitating what I do when it comes to Scarlett hurts me, metaphorically! "I don't do this." I say, dubiously. "Yes you do." 

"One day you told me, she didn't wait for you and left with Nat and Monica. I said it's unfair, but just then you said, but they are her best friends, she needs to be with them, it's alright we'll walk back home tomorrow." Okay that shut me up.

I look at him apologetically. I just realized how wrong I had been. "Eric, I understand now. Just like you will put an ointment on your hand so that it doesn't itch and will tell someone if it doesn't stop I too should have told you or anyone who really was and is my friend. Eric, you know what?" I ask. He shrugs. "You really are the truest friend anyone will die for. I am glad I have you." 

"Now let's talk business, what kind of mortal am I?" he asks.

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