Chapter 26

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I guess Guide Rector was right after all. Time has been challenging and draining for both Sera and me.  

He did warn us of the sacrifices we won't be willing to make yet will be bound to. Sera's uncle was a great Guide. A loyal, trustworthy, honest and wise star. I look up in the sky and see the star shoot. I hear the mortals making a wish. 

Sometimes I really feel like letting the mortals know that while they enjoy the sight of a shooting star there are people who grieve the loss of a loved one.

I must go to Sera.

"No you shouldn't. Don't you remember you gotta stay upset with her?" Iris walks in. Is she crazy!

"Dis just hear yourself, Ris? Like seriously?" I give her a look.

"Yes I did and I suggest you don't go." That's not happening Ris. "I might not be home today, tell mom dad I am staying over at Eric's." 

"Whoa wait! Mom will ground you!" She yells from behind as I have already taken off. "Well grounded is when they'll remember I wasn't home!" I shout back and leave.



I whisper in my head.

I am sucked into a dark hole. She created a void again.

I find her digging her head in my chest. I lock my arms around her and kiss her hair. "I am here, love." I whisper in her ear.

"I am sorry Shel. This wasn't supposed to be this way. I was supposed to make you feel special to pamper you I was supposed to win you over." She looks down. 

"Wait." has everyone gone mad? Or I have grown wiser than all of them? I imaginary face palm myself. 

"You are worried about me while your uncle just gave up his life for the Celests?" I ask her. 

Celests. What peace it brings me to say that out loud. Its a name we came up with for the stars. We had planned to make it official once Sera was the Goddess. 

She looks up in my eyes, tears filling her eyes. She screws them shut letting the tears fall down.

She simply gets on her toes pulls me down by cupping my face and kisses my forehead. The best feeling. I am home. 

She lets her lips linger to let me know that she is more worried about me because she was prepared for this. 

All I feel is bliss, all the stress, pressure, anger, confusion everything subsides with this small gesture. I smile a little and open my eyes. 

She's already looking at me and smiles. "Better?" She asks. I simply nod with a sly smile.

We sit down with my head in her lap and her hands playing with my locks. I love this feeling, it calms me when she ruffles my hair and caresses it with utmost fragility. 

I close my eyes content and comfortable. "What are you thinking?" I ask her, taking her hand in mine and kissing the back of it. She takes it back and gets back to caressing my hair. 

"Are you okay, Shalom?" She asks out of a blue. "I am now." I smile my eyes still closed.

"I meant are you okay with whatever happened past few days? Losing Shabin and everything?" I knew this was coming. 

"When I got to know he was.. ahem. When I got to know Shabin wasn't coming back I felt like losing you just more painful." Had it been another girl she would have misunderstood this statement of mine, but not Sera, she understands my feelings and does not compare herself with my best friends in context to my emotional attachment and openness with them.

She isn't offended to know there are people that matter to me more than she does. 

"And then?" She asks. "Then your desperation and behavior and temporary lack of understanding hurt me even more. I needed you at that time but you weren't there. We were both grieving but unlike old times we weren't grieving together." She smiles sadly at me.

I feel my throat closing as I recall my best friend again, not that I ever forget him. Suddenly she stops. "I want to make it up for you." She says. I open my eyes and turn in her lap so that I can see her face.

I know she wants to do this so I let her do whatever she wants to. She takes my hand and kisses the back of it. 

"I am sorry for turning my back on you when you needed me the most."

She then takes my other hand and does the same. I get up and sit on my knees in front of her.

"I am sorry for being so self absorbed and selfish in my losses that I failed to provide you comfort." 

I feel the lump in my throat tightening. She looks at me shakes her head and kisses both of my cheeks.

"I am sorry to overlook every grief you were feeling just because I was blinded by my hatred for Shylock and Darren." 

She then kisses my forehead again. "I am so sorry for everything I put you through. You deserve the world and more." She leans into my chest and I hug her again. 

"I love you." She murmured. And nothing in this world has every brought me more peace than these words.

I snap my fingers and the void dissolves. I find us falling lightly, over her bed with me holding her close to me as she clutched my shirt. I caress her head while she snuggles into me as we fall asleep after the exhausting days we spent apart.

This is peace, this is home.

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