Chapter 21

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I can hear what Guide told Sheldon, I heard their conversation. I know what I am doing. I also know the probable futures that I may come across according to the choices I make. 

I wipe my wet face and stand up. Absorbing my anger, the anguish is replaced by the mortal Scarlett. This grief has created a void in my heart, but I can only hope until I revive the two people I love who died for me.

I check myself before descending the mountain. I go to check on Shabin and find Dakota staring at him. I go to her and console her and convince her to sleep.

I walk over to Roland. I let him place his head in my lap and caress his head until he falls asleep. I replace my lap with a bundle of leaves.

I walk over to Peter and Ion, both of them hug me tight sobbing. I pat their backs and without exchanging a word, I go about the night consoling people, making them sleep or letting them cry until they feel better. Finally I find my way to the two souls who can console me.

I find them sitting away from everyone, in dark. I make my way towards them, lighting up small fiery lamps on my way.

"Scarlett!" Natalie exclaimed softly, she walks up to me and takes my hand into her firm grip. We settle down on the grass.

I sit in between Nat and Moon. Both keep their heads on either of my shoulders and I relax myself in their embrace.

"You can take it out Scarlett." Moon whispers and my dam breaks.

"He promised me, Moon, he had promised me by going down on his knees that he won't leave me alone. Today he is lying there and I have to kill my own people to bring dad and him back." I cried out, letting my guilt and sorrow be on display. 

"Wait! Kill people to being them back?" Nat points out once I stop heaving and sobbing.

"Yes. Being the creator I can bring them back because life starts from me and ends in me. The star dust I absorb does not add to my powers unlike Freya's. She used to use a small portion of it to keep the cycle going but I give up all the stardust when a star dies and a new one is formed.

I can bring them back but I have to kill three stars each for me to bring them back. I have to do this." I confess without any restrains. 

They both nod at me let me cry for the rest of the night while they too shed their tears.

Soon we witness the sun's beautiful rise. With that we hear the war cries of the stars in the sky. 

I summon Darren. I can summon anyone I want anytime I want, now. 

"How dare you summon me!" Darren screeches. I shut him up with an angry glare. "I heard war cries." I state-question. 

"You killed my son. Prepare your forces and reach the Warland. With the blessings of Elide, you will lose." He disappears as quickly as he had come.

Being prepared gave us benefit, we reach the Warland soon enough. I spot Darren's vast army positioned on the other side. Clearly we are outnumbered. I see he has fled an Alcald on horseback, he wears a Horo. 

A horo is a cloth that is made by sewing several strips of cloth together so as to form a balloon when the rider rides his horse. It's a sort of indicator for the receiver to know that the person wearing it is arriving unarmed and has no intentions other than to deliver the message from his side.

Some bad words to provoke the monster are necessary, right Darren?

I roll my eyes as the Alcald bows in front of me, yet I acknowledge him with a nod.

"Elide refuses to bless. However unfortunate, even you are bound to obey her in the Warland." The messenger reads. I look ahead at Darren's side and see they have all raised yellow- the retreating flag.

No I can't let this happen! I need my brother and father back as soon as possible. This war is the only way I can do that. I can't kill anyone out of the Warland. 

I need to stop them.

"Rush back and tell Darren to stay put!" I roar at the messenger he takes off immediately. I have to stop them. I can't let them go, Elide has to permit!

I summon her instantly, I bow and pay my respect to Elide, the goddess of war. 

"I need your blessings Elide. My lady, bless us that the only those who are right will win." I rise to look into her eyes.

"I don't approve of this war, Soul, you are the reincarnation of Freya, the pridian paramount. You are the Goddess, Sera. You must understand the value of stardust that will cover the lands of the war happened. I don't and won't allow this." She says and vanishes.

No I need to get my family back. It as always been this way, wherever I need help no one gives a hand, but when it's the other way round I am expected to surrender my whole being if that it what it takes to help. 

"It's a lost cause, Scarlett." Nat tells me. I shoot her a glare. Open a portal and walk through not bothering to close it. 

We are back at the Moonlight mountain. I can't contain my emotions. They are overwhelming me. I finally give up and release all of it setting the whole mountain ablaze.  

I spot Sheldon's angry face striped with high flames. I hear cries of innocents. Any other day I would feel guilty, but today I feel they all deserve this.

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