Chapter 2

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"Eric, fly first." Nat says, She throws her a thankful look. 

"Okay, if I fall, Sheldon, please don't try to catch me I don't trust you with this, you will let me fall until I am about to touch the ground just to scare shit out of me. Scarlett, I am trusting you with my life." She laughs and nods.

"Off you go, Eric." Iris says, he nods and leaps forward in the air. I see her distract. I look up when Eric lets out a scream, oh no, he's falling! Scarlett! Catch him! I leap forward and catch him just in time. 

"Scarlett!" Kenn snaps. She opens her eyes her eyeball's dilated. "Am so sorry Eric, am so sorry, I... just forgive me." she looks down. Everyone's looking at her, confused.

"It's okay Scarlett..." Eric says awkwardly.

"Let's go to meet Saint Dylan!" Rose tries to lighten everybody's moods.

"No." Scarlett disagrees firmly. Something's up. 

"Everything alright, there?" I knock her head imitating her head to be  a door. "We'll first head back with the students back home and be with our families for a while." She ignored me, what's going on??? 

Before I can ask anything she leaps into the air and vanishes, she never flies this fast. I throw a look at Moon and Nat. They shrug and take off as well. I feel a hand on my shoulder I turn around and find Eric. 

"Where's all the colour from your face?" he smiles. 

"Something's wrong, she's worried about something." I confess. 

He lets out a sigh, "Shelly, you gotta understand the fact that you both cannot tell everything to each other, some things are better left unsaid and shared only with friends. You both, as I have noticed, have no respect for personal space." Ouch. I fly off without him, asshole. How can he say that? he must know who he's talking about.

"You bastard! Go help your friend!" Iris yells. I look down and feel guilty, he's standing there all alone trying to figure out how to take flight. I retreat back to the ground. 

"Am sorry, I shouldn't have left you behind." I say apologetically. "The thing that you came back without me having to call you back is what matters." he smiles gladly.

"Okay, Mr. Philosopher let's go, you're all set." we both take flight together I teach him how to control his wings and flap them just enough to fly but not less that he loses balance. 

"This is soooo nice!" he coos over the air. He truly is happy. Me too. I smile to myself but my worry about Sera takes over me again.

"She has landed!" a faded voice reaches us and we prepare ourselves to land.

"Eric listen! We have to land now, you gotta flap your wings once or twice whatever's comfortable and moves towards the ground maintain speed and don't just stop flapping wings. Be soft and careful." I tell him and he nods. 

We land after Roland and Rose confirm the ways are safe.

"Where's Sera, Moon and Nat?" Kenn asks. "They left as soon as they landed." Rose answers. "But.. this is so odd they always wait, we are a team we should stick together." Roland says.

"Then let's see where they went." I say. "As if your girlfriend left any traces." Trish rolls her eyes. 

"What do you mean she didn't leave any traces?" Eric asks. "Traces are none. She landed, opened a portal and simply left with Nat and Moon." Rose revealed.

"Where did she go?" 

"Something was up with her even then when Eric took flight for the first time." someone says. 

No, don't think that, Shel, come to my place, I'll meet you there, I just couldn't wait,  I had to rush


Just come here

And she's gone? "Guys we gotta go to her place. Something's wrong. We all get normal looking, absorb our wings back into our bodies and guide Eric to do so too.

We walk for a distance and then I open a portal and we simply are teleported in front of her house. The garden is ransacked. The front door is broken, okay this is scary. 

We hear someone wailing. Sam.

I run inside to check what's up. There's a heaviness in the air, something that makes it difficult to breathe, something that happens only because of the presence of Darren.

I finally choose to ignore this humidity and look around. There's an illusion, Nat might have done this to avoid lime light to the chaos.

I subside the illusion with Orion's help and the real mayhem is revealed. 

I see the chaotic condition of the house, every vase is broken, every glass is shattered, the floor is littered with debris of wood and crockery. I walk in and the mist fades.

Scarlett and Sam are sitting on the floor, Sam is crying hysterically and Sera is calming her. Moon and Nat are clearing off the floor and setting the house in place.

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