Chapter 22

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I can read her thoughts. She has changed. The Sera I knew, the Scarlett I fell in love all over again was not the person she has become. She wasn't selfish. She was stoic, yes. She was reserved, yes. But she wasn't heartless. 

Had it been my love, she would have extinguished her fire right after hearing the painful voices and moans of the innocent souls that are victims of her emotions. 

The whole mountain is in flames. She wouldn't stop releasing powers, and I am beyond furious will be a great understatement. 

I look at the heartless, enraged. The flames are too high. They stripe her face and she looks... numb. I have seen this emotion on her face before.

I can't let her do this.

"Sera, stop this!" I yell. "Scarlett! You need to stop this! You are hurting innocents. You can't kill blameless people just because you lost control!" I roar. Her fire is making me aggressive. 

"Scarlett, I am warning you." She pays no heed to me. I summon my ice and extinguish her flames with my frost.

I walk across the flames when I see her not caring about what's happening around. I have encased Nat, Moon, Ion, Eric, Kenn, Roland and everyone else in my ice. They are safe from her fire.

"Scarlett stop it!" I shout. She doesn't budge and starts releasing more power. I stride across to her and slap her hard.

I hear gasps from behind. I see her lying on the ground holding her cheek. I rush to her side and place my hand on her cheek, exactly over the area I hit her and release coolness, absorbing the pain. The redness fades and I see her looking at me coldly. 

"I am sorry, I shouldn't have hit you." I apologize but she pushes me back hard. I stumble to the ground.


"I apologized Scarlett. You weren't stopping, you had to be stopped before you turned this mountain into ashes. 

How can you be so careless Scarlett? You didn't care that your friends, best friends actually were present in the same place you were releasing your powers!" I try to explain her as calmly as possible. 

"Why should I care Sheldon? Did they ever care? Did Mary tell me what is this Lacuna shit about or did Lilith not betray me? Or did Roland help me stop Shabin from walking into death's mouth? Did Ion help me save Dad? Did Natalie listen to me when I asked her to stay in the Sky? Did you not lie to me about memory? was Rose nice to me like ever?" Oh so this is what's this is about.

 I shake her by her shoulders. "Scarlett come back to senses, love." She looks up at me but I don't find my Scarlett in her eyes.

I leave her immediately. Taking a few steps back, I look at her upset.

"I lost everything Sheldon. I lost Dad, I lost Shabin, I was betrayed by Lilith, I killed someone... How can you expect me to be in my senses, Sheldon?"

"You know what Scarlett, you are not the only one who lost loved ones!" I yell.

"I too lost a guide I saw a father figure in, I too lost my best friend, I too lost a dear confidant when she betrayed us, in fact if you remember it was me she attacked in the caves. The one you killed, his death's burden lies on me too. He did what he did out of jealousy." I continue.

I set the encased stars free of my ice case. They come rushing to her. Drop questions on her, asking if she's okay or not, I observe silently how all of them turn to scold me for slapping her.

My last shred of patience wears off when she pushes away Eric. I catch him just in time before he bangs his head on the tree behind.

"He got memories of the Court, Sera, not immortality!" I roar. She is really making it difficult for me. 

"Exactly! The worst part is just because of your stupid little no vote let him go Sheldon! My immortal brother is dead now!" She snaps. 

I stride towards her and grab shoulders enraged, my touch being harsh. 

"You are not the only one who lost a loved one Scarlett." I spit in anger. Her presence is affecting me more than it ever did.

I don't know what's happening to me right now. I was always there when she was confused about her powers, about her feelings and everything today I need her. I have lost the only one I trusted my life with since my birth. 

I got Eric in this lifetime and there's no way I don't trust him, it's just Shabin can't be compared to what Eric is to me. He was my soul-brother.

"I know its difficult but its really unfair! Every time I need you, you bail on me, Scarlett. The responsibility of being the Goddess and the Creator has changed you. I love you all the same, but sometimes I feel you were the Heir and The Soul earlier and you never failed to fulfil your duties towards me, you never left me to deal with my issues all alone Scarlett. But now it feels like you are no longer the Sera I knew." I vent out. Hot tears blurring my vision.

"What do you mean the Sera you knew?" She asks me.

"She wasn't a bottled up emotional self obsessed powerful star. She was this selfless, livid, and expressive person I knew who no matter what kept others before her own self. You tell me Scarlett, when was the last time you came to me, hugged me, kissed my forehead and told me everything's gonna be okay? When was the last time you comforted me like old times?"

I look at her hurt to know she couldn't understand me this time.

"If wanting to have my love comfort me the way she used to do before is selfish, I gladly accept I am selfish Scarlett. And I hate to break it to you, I lost my soul brother too. I am flooding with power too. I am losing my loved ones too and I need a hand to pull me out of this spiraling darkness but I don't have it coz the Soul failed to read the Heart." I confess and vanish. I am done with this.

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