Chapter 10: Beach Pt.2

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June 7, 2014

When the shirts start coming off, I try my best to not get flustered. Holy fuck, they have sculpted bodies.

Not that I'm looking or anything!

"Kenna, come in the water with us!"

"Just a minute!"

"Thank you for calling Mingwan's Grill, how can I help you?"

"Hi, I was wondering if I could make a reservation for eleven people at 6:00pm."

"I'm sorry, we don't take reservations."

"Okay, thank you."


Almost fifteen minutes and seven restaurants later, I finally have a booking.

"Look who finally decided to join us," Yoongi smirks.

I cock my head. "What are you doing?"

"We're making a castle for Jungkookie," Jimin says.

"Uh-huh," I stare and watch some more.

"Bigger," Jungkook commands.

"There isn't enough sand!"

"I want huge sand boobs!"

The youngest is buried up to his neck in sand. Jimin and Taehyung squish sand into a rather pathetic-looking wall. Yoongi and Seokjin are working on sculpting his Ursula-like octopus tentacles while Hoseok pats down mounds of sand on his chest.

"Where's Namjoon?" I ask.

"Finding seaweed for hair."

"We figured he probably can't fuck that up too badly."

"Hoseok, have you ever seen tits before?" I ask, walking over to him. "Those look like fucking traffic cones."

The boy goes bright red, and the others laugh. "I- uh- I don't- um-"

"Can I help?"

"Y-Yeah, sure, okay, just- I just- I don't- um, yeah."

The sand is warm as I kneel down, but the boys have managed to find some damp, packable sand for sculpting. "Who's idea was this?"

"Mine!" Jungkook smiles smugly.

"Of course," I mutter. I make the boobs rounder and hang more instead of projecting straight out like a Lady Gaga costume. It's not great, but it's better than what Hoseok had going on.

Probably over an hour later, we have a Jungkook sea sculpture the guys are proud of.

Namjoon only collapsed one wall and stepped on Jimin's hand, which I consider to be a win for what could have gone down.

All the guys take a billion pictures before Jungkook breaks out of his sand coffin dramatically.

"Who's next?" Jungkook asks, smiling at everyone.

"I wanna go in the water."

"Yeah, let's go swim!"

"You need more sunscreen!"

"Hyung, I'll race you to the water."

"You're on. Ready, set- hey! That's cheating! Jungkook, I didn't say 'go' yet!"

"Is this a routine?" I ask.

"Kinda, yeah. We usually take a daytrip after filming a music video. We've come here a few times, gone downtown, to Busan, a few different places," Hoseok explains, tucking his hands in the pockets of his swim trunks. "I guess this is your first time to Eurwangni?"

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