Chapter 3: Noona

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May 27, 2014

There's a knock on the door, and I open it, revealing Mr. Hitman leaning against the doorframe. "How'd lunch go?"

I plaster on a fake smile, "Good, they're very, uh, roudy."

Hitman rubs the back of his neck again. "Yeah, uh, especially around new people, they can act kind of strange."

"You didn't tell them I speak Korean?" I ask hesitantly.

"I didn't see the need. Why? Did something happen?"

"Just a slight misunderstanding when, um, you know, when one of the guys would say something and then- um- then- then someone would translate it to me. Just weird hearing the same thing twice."

"Oh, yeah. They can be a bit, uh, a bit dumb at times, but if they ever say anything inappropriate, let me know, and we'll talk."

About finding my male or married female replacement, I think to myself. "I will," I lie.

"Good work today. I'm going home now, and I think you should, too. It's been a long day."

"Thank you, sir, I'll wrap up here." How did he know I did good work? My computer is bugged, isn't it?

"Have a good night, Miss Albertson," Mr. Hitman says with a wave, pushing away from the doorframe and walking away.

"Good night!"

The door swings shut, and I slouch down in my chair and let out a long groan.

I finish up and make notes to remind myself tomorrow where I left off, and then pack up to leave. My eyebrows go up in surprise when I see my phone telling me it's almost 7:00pm already. With my bag over my shoulder, I glance around my office, but there still aren't any obvious cameras or microphones. Frowning, I leave and navigate down the hall.

Right. Right. Left? Was it left here or at the next part? I glance around to see if anyone is watching me, and I quietly sneak around, trying to find the exit. Security is probably calling the cops because I must look like a burglar.

Loud music catches my attention, and I head in that direction. The window in the door shows the seven guys dancing to a song, sweat pouring down their faces and backs, and chests heaving. The song is paused, and two guys flop on the floor as if they're dead. Beast Rapper and Winky double over, hands on their knees, while two others walk over to some chairs at the back and sit down. The excitable guy with round cheeks hurries over to a stocky man with a goatee, and they talk for a while. The idol stands in front of the mirror wall, and goes through some steps, then stops and looks to the man for approval. The man nods and then talks some more.

I wonder if they've been dancing since lunch. They must be exhausted.

"Let's go eat!" Winky yells. The guys grumble their agreement, but Round-Cheeks waves them off and goes back to talking to the man about his dance moves. Before the door opens, I make a run for a nearby hallway and am relieved to find a sign that says "Exit" with an arrow pointing to the right.


"I am absolutely creaming my jeans over the internet speed here," I tell Tony.

"Are you gaming?" he asks.

"No, just job searching, but wow is this so good! Who knew Internet Explorer could achieve speeds of more than 2 bytes per second?"

"Why is it that when the internet is fast, you cream your jeans, but when I'm fast, you're just disappointed?"

"Because the internet lasts as long as I want it to. It doesn't go for twenty seconds and then it's done."

"Wow. Just wow."

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