Chapter 7: Danger Pt.3

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June 3, 2014

"Kenna, you go back with the boys, and make sure they sleep. Especially Hoseok- he likes to stay up."

"Okay, Mrs. Yeong," I say, suppressing a yawn.

"Kenna, hurry up!" Hoseok yells at me when he sees me approaching the van.

My body is exhausted, but I force myself to at least jog. It's almost 10pm, and I'm not used to days being so long.

Namjoon gets out of the passenger seat and opens the back door. I'm about to thank him, but he climbs in and squeezes next to Hoseok. He gestures to the passenger seat with a smile before closing the door.

Guilt nips at me as I pop open the passenger door and pull myself inside. A glance behind me makes me feel worse. The boys are pressed together like sardines. I'm about to insist we switch, but the driver whose name I don't remember, throws the van into reverse and starts speeding away. "Thank you, Namjoon," I say, craning my neck to make eye contact with him.

The car ride back is silent, and everyone seems to be resting. Smiling, I stifle a yawn again, and rub my heavy eyelids. I refuse to let myself sleep while riding in the passenger seat. The driver needs an extra pair of eyes, especially since it's dark out.

About fourty-five minutes later, the driver pulls into a parking lot and comes to a stop at a broken sidewalk leading to a four-story building. I guess this is where the boys live.

An inhale and a soft groan indicate that Namjoon is awake-ish, and I jump out of the van and pull the back door open. Namjoon hops out, stretching his long arms high over his head. I ignore the way his shirt pulls up to show his abs.

It takes five minutes to get everyone awake and moving. Yoongi looks like he's going to kill me for waking him up, but when I tell him that it's time to go to bed, he smiles at me, and groggily leaves.

Thanking the driver, I offer a shoulder to Jungkook, who is half-asleep to help him toward the apartment complex. Seokjin takes him once we get to the entrance, and I bid everyone a good night. They grumble back at me, and I'm glad to know they'll sleep well tonight.

"Kenna, will you come with me?" Hoseok asks, running his hands down his face.

"No, sorry, I don't think I'm allowed in the dorms."

"Not our room, just here in the parking lot; to dance."

I feel my eyes getting crusty and resist the urge to rub them. "What?"

"I need to practice more, and I want your input on something."

"Hoseok, you looked amazing today, you need to get some rest."

"I looked good because I stayed up practicing."

I blink at him stupidly. "What?"

He shakes his head, and rubs his face more forcefully. "Just twenty minutes," he insists.

"Twenty minutes," I agree, "and then I'm carrying you into your room and locking the door."

"You just said you're not allowed in the dorms."

"I'm willing to risk it. You need sleep."

Hoseok smiles and, to my complete and utter shock, takes my hand, "Come, come," he says, pulling me to the smoothest patch of pavement. Is he setting me up? Are they all trying to create scenarios to get me fired? The rice cakes weren't that bad, were they?

"What's up? What do you need my help with?" I say as I sit down on a nearby curb. Oh, sitting down was a terrible idea, my eyes are immediately heavy again, and I'm not sure if I'll be able to stand up again.

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