Thoughts and the Future

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My Thoughts

Not gonna lie, this book is kind of a dumpster fire.

It was pretty much finished when I started publishing it, and I was proud of it at first. However, as I read and edited the chapters before posting them, the less happy I was with the story. I tried to remedy it a couple times which overall made it worse.

As a perfectionist, this whole thing was frustrating and disheartening, but I learned a lot which, to me, is more important than having a perfect book. I'm excited to see how I grow and improve as a writer in the years to come.

For the Future

As a reader, I hate cliff-hanger endings, so for the sanity of any like-minded readers, I'm going to publish a couple chapters of this book's sequel, but I think I will then put it on hold indefinitely while I work on other stories that are significantly better.

Struggling to Stand | jhs ffHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin