Chapter 21: Hang Over Pt.2

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September 6, 2014

A knock stirs me from the half-sleep I had drifted into while watching YouTube. With an inhale, I raise my head, wait for the dizziness to subside, and slowly stand up.

Another round of knocks. "Coming!" I call out, immediately regretting it as invisible fingers stab into my temples. I clutch my head and make my way lead-footed to the door. I unlock it and open it without bothering to check the peephole.

"What took you so long? I've been standing here forev-" Seokjin stops giving me a hard time when he looks at me. "You look awful."

I snort. "Thanks, you don't look so bad yourself," I mumble as I leave the broad-shouldered man in my doorway and saunter over to the sofa. "Come on in," I say, my throat going dry.

Jin casts a glance around before stepping inside and closing the door behind him. It's only now that I notice his arms are weighed down with bags of groceries.

"What brings you here?" I ask as Seokjin disappears into the kitchen. The crinkling of bags and banging of closing cabinet doors tell me he's rooting around the room, but I can't be bothered to care as I lie back on the sofa with an arm over my eyes.

"How much did you drink last night?" his voice calls out.

I flinch, and my ears start ringing.

I must've groaned or something because he calls out again. "Are you okay?"

I exhale and groan loudly in a response.

"Here," the voice is softer and closer to me, I move my arm and squint up at the man towering over me.

With a grimace, I do my best to sit up and take the glass of water Seokjin holds out for me. Water flows down my chin and wets my shirt as I choke down a couple mouthfuls.

"Seokjin, if I- nevermind, you're not even here anymore." Looking around, I see my guest in my bathroom, looking around. "The cocaine's under the sink," I joke. He doesn't laugh. Pills rattle against a plastic bottle, and Jin returns to my side. He takes my hand and drops a couple small objects onto my palm.

"These painkillers should help with the headache."

I smirk. "Thanks, Mom."

"You're welcome, son."

I knock back the pills with more water.

"What were you saying to me earlier?" he asks.


"You said something like, 'Seokjin, I'm in love with you. Please marry me.'"

My crusty eyes widen in horror. "Did I say that last night?"

Jin starts laughing. "No, last night- ah- no, I meant just a little bit ago, you said my name."

"Oh. Oh! Oh, I was gonna say, Seokjin, if I die today, don't remember me like this. Remember me from my glory days, okay?"

A smirk flickers across Jin's lips. "Don't worry, Kenna, I'll remember you from last night for the rest of my life." He has the audacity to wink.

"Hey!" I exclaim, swatting his shoulder as he laughs at me. "What did I say last night?"

The singer clears his throat. "Have you thrown up?" he asks, pressing his long, cool fingers to my forehead.

I sigh, frustrated at everyone's tight lips about what drunk Kenna did. "No."

"Have you eaten anything?"

"Not really. I had some, uh, some cookies, but not a real meal." My throat tickles, and a coughing fit overtakes me, and Jin rubs my back through it. I chug some water, but it feels like my parched tongue will never be quenched again.

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