Renji: "Have a nice day Sir." The man said looking up from his carving. Y/n could not have asked for a better aid in Renji, the man is a Woodworker, a less specialised version of the Carpenter Class, but thanks to that lack of specialisation he was able to quickly pick up the needed skill for making great weapon or tool handles, something that took Y/n a year and a half. Y/n went and got changed and after that got onto Fenrirs back. The two entered the forest behind the guildhall.

Y/n: "Hey guys?" Y/n began summoning all of his summons. "Have you ever wished things went differently? I mean, for you, Fen and Jorm, did you ever wish to be treated not like a monster? Or the rest for example, you all are either created by the gods or directly born from them, yet you did not get the same treatment or respect as the other gods got."

Jormungandr: "Why asssk Massster?"

Y/n: "I always thought that Odin was wrong in casting his judgement on you and your sister Hel. Yes he foresaw the end of the worlds but in the end his doing is what makes you even want to destroy everything. He threw you, Jorm, into the sea, made your sister the one everyone curses for 'bad' deaths and lastly tricked and bound you Fen. I do not know how long it has been since you were punished for a crime you had yet to commit. Was it just because they feared you? Was it because they did not see a use for you guys? What ever reason there might have been, it was unfair. They allowed Sleipnir to stay with them, nothing against you Sleipnir."

Sleipnir: "No problem Master." The horse said quickly.

Y/n: "Sähr, Heid? Did one of the gods ever thank you for what you provided to them?" The two shook their heads making Y/n sigh. He turned and looked at his summons. "You guys, all of you, you are not my summons, not a tool for me to simply use for my own goals, you are my friends. If you have something you would like to do just tell me and I will help you." The summons look at eachother before Fenrir spoke for them.

Fenrir: "We wish to help you become the Hero you dreamed to be." The wolf said and Y/n smiled.

Y/n: "I will happily help you with that. But for now, let's have some fun. Make sure to be back at dusk. Oh and do not forget to take the coins with you." Y/n felt the happiness of his summons as they all split up to kill Grimm. He mainly came about some Canis, even a few Alpha Canis. It was almost funny to face the thing, that nearly killed him 5 months prior, again, this time not even betting them an eye while killing them. He was still getting used to his new speed and so Y/n decided to simply use these weak Grimm to train.

Hours passed and the sun was beginning to set. Y/n was on his way back, a heavy sack filled with coins on his back. He had met up with his summons a few minutes prior and collected their coins too. Y/n could already hear Weiss telling him that she would do the counting, seeing that the heiress quickly took over the role as the guilds treasure master. It was thanks to her help that Y/n was able to efficently budget his guilds funds. Many members of the Hunters Guild took over different roles. The Workers, Oscar and Velvet, took over the roles dedicated by their classes. Oscar was growing crops and herbs and the first harvest was getting closer. Velvet was the girl for everything, she cleaned, washed clothes and cooked, things Y/n always told her to just ask for help, but she always denied said offer saying that she feels like she is still not doing enough around the guild. Next came Nora and Ren, the two of them, thanks to their background of roaming the wilds of Mistral and Vale, were the guilds hunters, Ren even helps with cooking from time to time. Summer was the guilds mother in a way, she helped Velvet in as much as possible and makes sure that everyone is doing ok, always offering a shoulder to cry on if needed. The womans advises also are very useful. Blake gathered information from all around Beacon, things like possible searches for aids in quests, discounts in on of the shops, new interesting items at the auction house and so on.

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