27 - The Goat Cheese Prophecy

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i guess kipo just blew up after s3 came out lmao

them views O.o

Thank you so much for reading this. It means a lot, and I hope you're enjoying it. Wherever you are, I hope this message sends at least a little comfort to you. You're amazing, okay? Take care of yourself, drink water, eat a snack, get some sleep. You're your own worst critic, and everything bad you think about yourself is invalid >:c

And have a good day/night wherever you are <3


"I can't believe Scarlemagne smoked Ratland," said Benson as you all walked to Ratland. The theme park was reduced to rubble, yet the flames were still flying up, trying to eat every single part of the park. Was there a Mute Fire Department or something..?

You all stood looking at the fires in silence. Shock clouded your eyes, and you rubbed them, desperately hoping that this wasn't real.

"Aw, man, now I'll never get to ride the heart swallowing, spine crackling, knee dislocated teacups." Said Dave.

Benson's face turned stoic. "Yea, right. You were never gonna ride that."

Dave glared at him. "Pssh, yeah I was!"

Kipo hugged her shoulders, and her face contorted into an expression of guilt.

"I'm sorry, Dave," Kipo said, looking down. "If I could've turned into the Mega Jaguar, I could've saved Ratland."

"Kipo, there was nothing you could do. Don't blame yourself. You literally found out that you were a mute, like, two days ago." She pursed her lips, flickering her eyes around, searching for another reason to blame herself, before finding none. 

Benson sniffed, pulling out a spray can of cheese, which was.. a thing. "This is for you, Ratland." He sprayed a dollop of cheese onto the ground (WASTING CHEESE). He looked away in sadness. "Oh, it's just too much."

There was a mourning silence, before the screeching of tires were heard. Alert, you all looked up, searching for the cause of the sound. And soon enough, a van was approaching you all. It was slightly broken down, and sparks from the flames were dancing around on it, but it was intact.

The van stopped in front of you, and a window slid down. "Bonjour," a rat spoke in a terrible French accent. "And welcome to Vanland!"

You were taken by surprise when the hood of the car opened, and another rat jumped out. "It's a work-in-progress, but we have one ride!" He blinked, before patting the side of the car. "I-It's this."

There was another awkward silence.

Dave spoke up. "Yeah, uh-huh. To be clear, the teacups were destroyed, right-"

"Brad! Amy!" Kipo exclaimed with sudden energy, a wide grin spreading across her face. She knew these rats. "I'm so glad you guys got away."

Brad narrowed his eyes. "Yeah, just barely. Apparently Scarlemagne does not like mutes mixing with humans."

Amy sniffed. "Ratland was just a.. beautiful dream of ours." She wiped away an invisible tear, and gulped. "All species welcome."

"But it's okay!" Said Brad, holding up a finger. "Because now our work, our home, and are car, are all the same thing!" He was quiet, before patting the van again. "I-It's this.. again. It's still this van."

"Can we take you anywhere?" Amy asked with a sorrowful look on her face.

"Actually, yes!" Kipo exclaimed. "We're trying to get to the Chevre Sisterhood. They need to help me control.. this." She pointed at her new jaguar paw.

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