5 // Burrow Girl, Part 2

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my b key is pretty much broken so that's fun

sorry for not updating. life is being stupid to me lol

also, sorry for the excessive dialogue.. like i said, i'm watching the episodes while writing-



"Anything that looks useful, take." Wolf's tone was as sharp and jagged as ever. She violently swept through the shelves of the apocalyptic grocery store, searching for anything that could aid the journey to find Kipo's burrow.

You hummed in response, glancing around the store (although not destroying anything). You found an odd can that was leaking strange, green slush, but you decided not to mess with it. You kept perusing.

"October 23rd, 2020." You looked over at Kipo, and noticed she'd found a milk carton. You walked over, empty-handed, observing the object.

"Then it'd be about 200 years old," you said. Curiosity overtook you as you watched Kipo open the milk. It shattered like glass on the ground. You stifled a snort. "I have a hunch that it might be expired," you whispered to Kipo. She laughed.

"Found it!" You perked up at the sound of Wolf's voice, and walked over to her, making sure to avoid the shattered milk. 

You looked at what she was holding, and a small grin appeared on your face. 

"Spot remover?" Asked Kipo. "That's for getting out shirt stains." She looked at your outfits, and cringed a bit. "No offense, but both of yours might need a full spin cycle." No way. Was she dissing your outfit? Nuh uh. Your outfit was perfect.


Well shoot.

"Mega Bunny," you and Wolf both said at the same time. Kipo made an 'o' shape with her mouth, before beaming.

"You two are in sync!! You're like.. totally twins!!" A smile found its way onto your face. You did like being Wolf's "sister". 

Wolf rolled her eyes. Ouch. "It's a good thing we're inside- aUAH-" Wolf was thrown forwards rapidly, and fell. You also fell, like everyone else, but you were used to falling.. it seemed to happen a lot.


"Definitely a Mega Bunny." Said Wolf. You looked up at the giant hole in the roof, and saw the Mega Bunny sniffing. What was it looking for? 

"I saw that same Mega Bunny earlier." You immediately whipped your head over to look at Kipo. Burrow girl, hasn't been on the surface long, super naive.. "I named her Rabbecka. The little ones are so cuddly!"

"Kipo-" You all jumped out of the way as the Mega Bunny stomped on the ground again. Whoo, what a workout. "Word of advice: Please don't touch the babies." Wolf nodded, pushing Kipo out of the way.

"Why did you touch the babies?! Don't you know you can't touch the babies?!" Wolf screamed. You were trying to focus on saving your life. 

"But they were so cute-"

"Well, yeah! But- but- you still shouldn't!" You screeched as you ran next to the two. You were chanting 'please don't die, please don't die' in your head as the thumping of the bunny mute only grew closer. What a regular day on the surface.

"Aisle six?" 

"Baking goods!" You yelled to your sister.

"Aisle seven?"


"Aisle eight- (Y/N)!"

Having known about the Mega Bunnies and the doom they brought, you rapidly nodded and grabbed the green spray can, making sure to take the second one that was hidden in a pile of rubble.

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