1 // Unnamed stranger and you go shopping

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"You," said the voice of the person wielding the red weapon. They were dressed in what seemed to be the fur.. of a wolf? You trembled, your hands up. Their voice was laced with venom.

"Yes?" You asked.

"You're a human," she (you realized she was a girl) eyed your outfit. "And what kind of outfit is that?" Even though she was much shorter than you, you felt like you were shrinking, and she was growing bigger.

"It's.. what we wear in my burrow.. why-" The same weapon was immediately pointed close to your face. You flinched.

"So you're from a burrow, human."  You did nothing but nod weakly, your hands still up in the air. "It's even more obvious when you act that way. Listen, burrow girl. I suggest that you don't walk around looking like that. You won't last a day here, especially not when you're simply throwing around the fact that you're from a burrow." Dang, she was really going for your feelings. Ouch.

"Well.. can't you help me? I don't know much about the surface, but-" In an instant, her sharp weapon flipped you over. You sucked in a breath, wincing. You stayed on the cool floor for a few seconds, before sitting up.

"I. Ride. Solo."

You stared at her. She was the first other person, even living thing you'd seen. She seemed to be pretty good at living on the surface. You couldn't miss the opportunity to stick around with her. Before you knew it, she began to walk off, and you scrambled to get up, running after her. She was small, but light on her feet.

"W-Wait! You can't just leave!" Again, the same weapon (which, now that you thought about it, resembled a lollipop a little) was jabbed close to your face. Even though you still flinched, it was less of fear now, and more of determination.

"Yes, I can. Was it not hard for you to understand? I walk alone." She started walking, but this time, you were able to keep up with her pace. She ignored you for a few seconds, before sighing in exasperation and glaring at you.

"What is your problem?!" She asked. You creased your eyebrows, and returned her glare, except with less intensity (seriously, it was amazing how she did that with that much ferocity and violent intent). 

"What's your problem? I clearly want to live, don't I? I can't do that if I get swallowed whole by a mute! So can you please stop being so stubborn and at least tell me how to survive?" She was silent for a moment, before she looked back at you. The glare was still there, but it was weaker.

She dragged you by your arm. Looks were deceiving; she was incredibly strong. Your arm already hurt; not because she was dragging you, but because her grip around it was so tight that it pretty much cut off your circulation. But no matter how hard you tried to yank your arm out of her hold, it stayed stone-still. You quickly gave up on the futile attempts and let her take you wherever you were going.

A few minutes later, you arrived at another store. Trying to resist the pain in your arm, you looked around. It was bigger than the bike shop. Instead, it was a clothing store. The windows were smashed through, and multiple glass shards were scattered across the sidewalk in all sorts of shapes and sizes.

"Go inside," she commanded. You incoherently mumbled in annoyance, before reluctantly taking foot inside the store. It was a clothing store. Although it was daytime, it was very dim in the shop. The only source of light were the smashed out windows, from what you saw. The girl followed you, her menacing look not moving.

You made your way around the disheveled store, careful to step over spare glass. The girl (who you still did not know the name of) followed you, stopping ever so often to narrow her eyes in every direction, and browse clothing.

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